Rega P3-24 and Exact 2.....Enjoying the music

Just a quick update.....I've been enjoying my new analog front end for just over three months now, and I'm extremely happy with how my records are sounding. I've gotten through a large part of my jazz collection on the new Rega P3-24/Exact 2, and the music sounds really, really good. I did my first "upgrade" about three weeks ago, switching out the Rega felt mat for a Herbie's Way Excellent II mat, and I'm pretty impressed with the seemingly increased clarity and focus. I'm toying with the idea of dfferent isolation techniques as a next step.

My personal "analog renaissance" is quite rewarding, and I'm really grateful to all of you guys for all I've been learning on this forum. Thanks a lot, and Happy Listening !!

Showing 1 response by gmsasso

Hi Adam:

I got my p3-24/elys II back in december and switched out the felt mat for a Herbie's about 2 months ago. The Herbie's really makes a difference. I also made an isolation platform for it with two solid wood shelves, dowel bit holes on each corner of one shelf, squash balls placed in the dowel holes, and the other shelf placed on top. On that rests a 2 in. maple shelf with brass cones, and the Rega on top of that. Really helps.

I'm thinking about switching to the Exact but the Elys II sounds pretty good. Have you tried any other cartridges?