Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?

I am currently using a Roksan Kandy MKIII Cd Player. If I got a Rega P25 with a Benz cart, would this set-up give me superior quality over digital in my system?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Is the P25 on the same level as my Roksan Kandy CDP? Or better?

Showing 2 responses by goatwuss

DIGITAL - Completely silent backgrounds all the time, more crisp at the frequency extremes.

ANALOG - more natural/organic tonality, more inner resolution

dynamics are a wash

No one would complain about surface noise on 95% of my records - essentially silent. If you play clean records on a well setup vinyl front end, surface noise is basicly a non-issue. Some cartridge minimize surface noise better than others. The denon 103 series are excellent in this way.

I personally would rather listen to a well setup Rega 25 than ANY cdp including meitner, dcs, etc. When I listen to vinyl I'm able to get into "the zone" where I don't pay attention to the playback and just enjoy the music. With digital, it doesn't usually happen.
Count me in on the convinved club. I started with 0 (zero) LPs in 2002 - I now have well over 1000