Rega P10 v Complete rebuild Garrard 401!

I currently have a Rega P3 that I’m generally happy with, but looking to upgrade and I’m in two minds.  Go old school with Garrard 401 or keep with new tech and get a P10.  Both are well regarded and there are plenty of individual reviews.  However I’ve not been able to find a comparative analysis (not really expecting to) so i thought i would ask here.  It would be paired with a Line Magnetic 508ia tub amp and Harbeth HL5 plus speakers.  
I listen to a wide range of music, from classic jazz, funk, soul and classic rock but admittedly i spend the majority of my vinyl time listening to thinks like Bowie, the Smiths, New Order, A Certain Ratio, Chameleons or similar.  
Any counsel?   

Showing 4 responses by cd318

A Rega P10 v Garrard 401?

Dare I suggest that something is seriously wrong with the whole Rega approach if this is remotely a contest. 

A 2019 design v one from 45/55 years ago? It shouldn't really be a contest, or should it?

My dad had a low level Garrard back in the late 70s and it was a lovely deck indeed. Still, I would like to think that a P10 turntable is very near the state of the art sonically today given its minimalist design.

You know I can remember a time when some (most?) of the British audio press used to lambast decks such as the Garrards and the Technics. It was all Rega/Linn back then in the late 70s/80s.

It’s quite heart-warming to see how things eventually turned out.

I'll always remain suspicious of reviewers who generally do more far harm than good. Their burying of MiniDisc, a fabulous format, was just another crime on their money grubbing hands.


"If you look into Rega technical specification and manual you’ll find close to nothing. So how to buy turntable about which manufacturer speaks only about materials used? Of course in our century figures means nothing, marketing means everything."

Good point! Of course it's been that way for a quite a while now but it's still quite a disturbing thought to imagine Rega as the new Linn!

If I remember correctly Rega did once face the odd criticism of their turntables running ever so slightly fast, but they seem to have brushed that aside fairly easily (unlike the brilliant but doomed Pink Triangle which went down mainly due to an inability to shake off persisting speed stability rumours).

I like Rega products (esp the loudspeakers of yore) but it was disappointing that a company that so prides itself upon the quality of its engineering should be so reticent in providing even basic end user data.

Can't even blame growth and marketing, Rega were always like this! I guess Roy must believe in the old adage, "if it ain't broke..."

Anyway, I'm glad people still love their vinyl and their turntables. There's something so quintessentially audiophile about the whole thing!  


I don't think it's anything to worry about. I never got any joy with mucking about with VTA once I'd set the cartridge alignment and tracking weight as optimally as I could.

It doesn't appear that Rega are too concerned with it either.

However, in the case of unorthodox cartridge shapes I believe that a adjuster/spacer is available if required by courtesy of Origin Live.