Rega p-5 cart upgrade

I am currently using an Exact2 on my P5 but thinking of moving to a Clear Audio Maestro or the Tailsman.

Has anyone compared these 2 carts?

Better yet has anyone tried them on a P-5?


Showing 6 responses by no_money

Yes I realize that. My local dealer will be installing and setting it up.

FYI phono pre is Clear Audio basic +
Got the Glider installed Friday and have about 10 hours on it now. I am SOOOOO glad I made the switch. Everything from top to bottom is cleaner, faster. There is no comparason between the two. Very happy customer here. I have even less money... :)

I think you will be very happy. Let me know what your impressions once you get it installed.
Yes, I have heard nothing but good about the DV20X. My dealer had the Glider SL in stock so I just went with that one for now.

About that P-7 you got there.... what differences did you notice from the P-5 to 7? My dealer may have a used P7 coming in next year so... thinking about making that move as well.


Glad you are enjoying it! This is pretty much where my analog front end is taking a lead over the digital as well.