Rega Owners - Alignment Tool / Protractor

Recommendations for Rega RB700 arm alignment/overhang adjustment protractor; Baerwald? Loefgren?, Rega?

Protractor recommendations; Wallytractor, GeoDisc, Avid, Mint Best, Turn Table Basics, Rega supplied paper, other?

I have read elsewhere on this forum that due to the pivot point placement and length of the arm, the baerewald geometry is not useful on Rega tables.  If you have found this not to be the case, please add a note to this tread stating so.

Thank You

Showing 2 responses by shanticat

I have used the supplied cardboard one with my Rega P7 which is not very useful, then the Rega Baerwald Arc printed protractor which I felt was better than the first. Then I got the Avid HiFi Rega specific one. That is the one that made the biggest difference. Not only did it sound "right" but knowing I had a tool that allowed me to be both accurate and precise in setting up my cartridge was worth the $40.

I use a Benz Micro Glider on a RB700. 
I purchased mine from Analogue Seduction based in the UK. I also ordered the white belts as the P7 needs 2 of them. 

The Avid does not state what geometry they use specific to the Rega, however there are two printed sets of null points and my quick measurements would indicate it is a Stevenson.