Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying?

My thoughts around rebuilt carts, do they convey the same characteristics as the original designer envisioned and intended . Even with full restoration like new cantilever, stylus and suspension repair etc; much of the original design attributes are gone and you are now listening to the works of an individual who have pride themselves as rebuilt wizard.  

No disrespect intended for the folks in rebuilding business as I honestly believe they are incredibly talented to rebuild such a fine instrument. 

What are your thoughts, would you buy a completely rebuilt cart vs a slightly used cartridge….after all you’re mostly paying for brand pedigree, its signature sound and exotic materials to make such a fine product. 


Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @vetsc5  : Rebuilt/refurbished vs re-tipper. Here some of us couls have a little confusion because both terms are different.

Rebuild means: carrridge re-coil, new suspension , new cantilever/stylus  and some time even output pin connectors when normally re-tipper means cantilever + stylus.

Forme no matter what rebuild/refurbished is forbiden in a cartridge and cartridge second hand re-tipped too.

That is different when the re-tip is made to a cartridge I own and that I know perfetly his quality level performance.


@inagroove  that's exactly my first hand multiple experiences with.


@viridian  , agree with you. Normally I ask to the re-tipper to change only the stylus and the cantilever when it's totally necessary.



Dear @lalitk " would you buy a completely rebuilt cart vs a slightly used cartridge…"


Completely rebuilt... certainly not and slightly used cartridge could depends of its " vintage " because normally designer/manufacturers of cartridges over short time makes small/tiny changes in the same model with out knowing the market/customers and they did not advertise about because some of them think that the changes do not deserve a MK2 version or the like. In the other side if the owner put on sale because he now own a better cartridge model in the line or even a different top rated cartridge could be worth to buy that slightly used cartridge when normally you can buy it for the 50% of its retail price, sometimes even with higher discount.

At the end everything depends on each customer, in my case I’m out to buy any new top cartridge or slightly used because my long first hand experiences already fulfill my cartridge expectations and I know for sure that speaking of today top rated cartridges in reality several of them are not really better but different or only in one quality performance level characteristic is better.

New top cartridges are only " new models " but at the end it’s more of the same. The only example I have of a new model are with the Lyra Lambda SL that in true has better differences not only against its past lines but against the competition.

I listen briefly the Fugga ( this is only an example of what I’ posting ) and not in my system but I owned the original Miyabi and listened the 47 and my vote go for Miyabi. Btw, today is weird that with a " top " cartridge with high price label the designers had better options that aluminum in the cantilever and stylus shape but they took the Miyabi road in this regards.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
