Refined SS Stereo pwr amps under 10K?

I looking to upgrade from my ARC DS225. considering an Ayre VX-5, what other SS amps under 10k (list price) would provide me great harmonic detail, drive, strong tonal balance and hear deep into the music layers? Yup,I know I'm asking a lot.

The System: Bel Canto DAC3.5MKII with ref power supply and Ref USbB to Spdif converter,(3 separate chassis) via AudioQuest Diamond USB cable, Wireworld Platinum 7 XLR to ML326s Wireworld Platinum 7 XLR to Audio Research DS225, Audience AU24SE speaker cables to Magnepan 3.7i Wired with Synergistic research and Nordost power cords ran to custom power strip incorporating 3 Furutech GTX-D duplexs and one Defender conditioner to a VooDoo power cord to a wall outlet GTX-D
So where do I go to upgrade from the ARC DS225 amp?

Showing 1 response by wescoman

Check out the CODA Technologies 15.0 Stereo amplifier.

From the article: Remember the old Threshold power amps? Well, Threshold is gone, and while Nelson Pass, founder of Threshold, has been producing amplifiers under his own name for some years now, other former Threshold employees are also designing and manufacturing power amps. Their company is CODA Technologies, and their amplifiers are completely up to date in terms of parts quality and circuit design, while capturing some of the all-out-assault of the hardware of years gone by.