Reference Quality Amp With Cheap Power Cable?

Almost two years ago I wrote a glowing "review"  https// after spending some time with a pre-production version of the amazing David Berning designed Linear Tube Audio ZOTL "Ultralinear" amp in my system. I recently moved and took the opportunity after the set up and dial in process to audition several power cables at different price points to see if they would make an appreciable difference in my new system configuration.

One cable would feed an Ayre L-5xe power conditioner to which I had connected my Herron VTSP-3A(R03) linestage, Herron VTPH-2a phonostage, Esoteric K-03xs SACD/CD player and my VPI "Scout Supreme" motor. The other would connect my LTA Ultralinear to another outlet in the room. The power cords I tried were all well-regarded brands at different price points--$200, $600 and $1000. Here is what I discovered:

The different power cables feeding the Ayre L-5xe all had a subtle but noticeable impact on the overall sound of my system. The $200 cable was clearly outperformed by the two more expensive cables--much less noise, deeper stage, more detailed but also less forward sounding--an added degree of refinement. At the end of the day I decided to go with the most expensive of the two designs--I got a good deal, it sounded a wee bit better, and it was slightly more flexible. 

I then tried each of the three cables connecting my LTA Ultralinear to the wall outlet. They all sounded the same. No difference at all. Zero. I was curious as to why so I reached out to Mark Schneider at LTA and here is what he told me via email: 

"David is a power supply designer by trade and the UL and ZOTL40 supply is something he has spent years improving.
We have had the same experience. We have a couple huge high end [power cables] and never is a difference experienced. David does not advocate special power cords so much with his designs."

Armed with this confirmation that my ears were not failing me, I ordered up an 8' Signal Cable Magic Power Cord for $129. Done. The same length in the two brands I had auditioned that performed so well going into the Ayre L-5xe would have cost me $800 and $1500 respectively. 

I thought this might be of interest to anyone considering one of LTA's reference amplifiers--while other amps might compel the purchase of an additional (expensive) power cord to get the best out of it, you can just go ahead and plug the stock cord into your LTA and save yourself quite a few dollars.
