Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.
Hi Teajay, Your findings regarding difference between Accustic Arts combo and Esoteric X-01LTD almost mirrors my own resluts. For some people Esoteric player may even be little bit too lean in midrange but, not to my ears(well, almost). Esoteric big(D-01/P-01/G-0s) combo is better in that area then X-01LTD but, basic sonic signature is the same. New Esoteric D-03/P-03/G-0s combo is warmer sounding(AD1955), with fuller presentation. Is it better then big D-01/P-01/G-0s combo? Well, no. Big combo is better at details, soundstage size(more natural IMHO) and PRAT. Accustic Arts combo is real world champ for its price IMHO.
BTW, for all Krell systems new Evolution 505 player is absolutely amazing choice. In CAST connection it is able to give performance at Accustic Arts combo level in RBCD playback. And you receive SACD playback for free. Just a warning-you can loose up to 10% of its performaance if you use balanced or single-ended connection in non-Krell system.
Now, back to new Esoteric X-01 D2. Since it is using two differenent dacs(BB1704 and AD1955) it will feature pretty different sound singatures from single machine. Just a guess-it will be auditioning and reviewing nightmare! I am kidding but, we all will need a lot of time before we reach any good conclusion about X-01 D2(of course, when we all audition it!)...
Busy listening to my new addition received this past Saturday.Initial reaction.. where there was noise in space before now that same space is filled with music.The complex is simply sighted, all in proper phase alignment. Altmann Attraction DAC. Tom
Teajay recommended in another thread to ask Branimir of impressions of the top MBL combo: the 1621A + 1611E, so here goes!

Branimir, have you tried this setup yet, and if so what were your impressions? :)

I'm getting an MBL setup with the 116 speakers, 6010D preamp and 9007 monos in the spring, and I'm trying to come up with a suitable digital source. I did hear the 1521+1511 combo in an "all-Noble" setup on the 116's and that sounded very pleasant. I think you would classify the mbl sound as #2. Great dynamics, VERY black background (the best I have ever heard in fact). In fact I had big problems describing the sound, it was so coherent and nothing "stuck out". I've also heard the 1531 integrated CD-player, which was also very good. I'd say my experience with the 1521+1511 was better though, but that was in a different room and with different cables so it's hard to compare. I have no way to audition the 1621+1611 combo yet, but hopefully next year sometime.

I listen mostly to opera and classical, so quality vocals are very important in my decision. Judging by your descriptions in this thread I'd say I prefer #2 sound, but I want a lot of detail too, not just warm and cozy. Natural is the best way to describe it! Feel free to make suggestions, I'd appreciate that. :)
If you already decided for all MBL setup then it most logical step to go for 1622 and 1611E. In all MBL system they will be very hard to beat IMHO.
But, to my ears MBL 1621/1611E combo is not better then Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s or Metronome C2-A Sig/Kallista Reference combos...
So, for your all MBL system 1621(or even better new 1622) and 1611E are good choice IMHO.

Just as a comparison Metronome combo is more powerfull sounding then MBL IMO. And it is my current #2 sound favorite.

One other thing-your MBL dealer should provide you with 1621/1611E combo to audition it in your future system. You are buying complete MBL system at his place!!