Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.

Showing 50 responses by teajay

Exlibris, besides that I always take a very skeptical view of all reviews, I would agree with what Branimir stated and add the following two points: 1) Without coming across as an audiophile "snob" I don't have to much respect for Potis' overall system, not just the DACS he uses, but the rest of his gear. I'm not a fan of either of his speakers or the cables/wires he uses. 2) I find the theoretical explanations of way a hard drive might offer a more pure, less jitter, signal then a laser based transport very interesting, but I think its much to soon to decide that its a superior strategy right now. So, I believe I'm still open minded but I would have to hear/audition a hard drive in my own system before I would jump on that bandwagon. I'm still looking forward to your "field report" on the Sextet, hope your still enjoying it.
Branimir, I was very curious regarding your final take on the Stealth Sextet digital cables with your different digital front end gear. I thought we would have heard from you already, perhaps you just got very busy or you were not through with your audition process yet. Either way it would be a pleasure to hear your opinion regarding the Sextet cable.
Branimir, thanks for the kind holiday greetings, hope very much that you enjoy the holidays too. If I remember are you coming to the states/going to the CES in January? When you get your Stealth Sextet cables next month, I believe you will find them superb and will bring either of you systems to another level of musicality. The Sextet seems to work its magic regardless of what digital pieces its being used with. I know you will let us know what you think after your audition and it will be fun to hear what your take is on this cable.
Exlibris, I always find your comments interesting and led me to more questions after reading them. 1) Did you have have the chance to audition the Audiomat reference Dac which does not upsample? 2) Did you audition the AA DAC1mk3 with the Sextet or did you have to return it before you got the Stealth cable? 3) If you liked the non-upsampling DAC would you attempt to audition DACS from Audio Note or Zanden?

My personnal experience has been that the non-upsampling DACS, in my system, did not sound as "musical" as the best upsampling gear. I had a ML-360s that was quite good but when I added a DCS Purcell and upsampled to 24/96 the performance was taken to another much higher level in all sonic aspects. When I auditioned a high level Audio Note it was ok, but not better then my reference at that time. My hunch, after getting to know your taste in sonics, is that you really like a type 2 flavor that sounds more like real music to your ears.
Finally, great idea posting a thread on the sonics of reference transports, hope theirs lots of discussion and sharing.
Branimir, I will find it very interesting what your experience of the Stealth Sextet cable will be in your systems. At this point some people would have to think I own stock in the Stealth company because I'm always sharing my excitement about the virtues of the Sextet cable. Well, let's see what happens when you audition it in the next couple of weeks.

Would you be nice enough to share more specifically what you find are the differences between the Weiss front end and the Accustic Arts front end. I know already that the Weiss gear is more a type #1 flavor and the Accustic Arts a type #2 flavor, but what else do you hear that is different in the two digital front ends.

Lastly, in your post you refer to the Accustic Arts transport as Drive1 MKII, is this a new generation of the orginial Drive1? If so, what changes did they make to the transport and does it sound significantly different/better then the first generation transport? I was not aware that Accustic Arts had made any changes in the Drive1 since it came out. As always, I will thank you in advance for any information that you will share with us.
Branimir, regarding your question on the new Stealth speaker cable and power cord, I must admit my ignorance concerning them. However, I will check in with one of my audiophile advisers, who happens to be a Stealth dealer, after the CES show which he is now attending, and then let you know what I find out regarding these products.
Branimir, just got the information regarding Stealth's new "Dream" speaker wire and power cord. Both have just gotten into the Beta-testing process. The "Dream" speaker wire will retail for $10000.00 for a 2.5 meter pair. Did not get any information regarding the type of materials or design theory regarding either of these new products. I'm sure that both items will be very interesting regarding their performance and might be end up being as highly regarded as the Sextet and Indra wires.
Branimir, I'm curious if you ever got your Stealth Sextet cables to audition yet? Also, have you had a chance to listen to Krell's new CDP, if its already out, or other DACS since the CES show? It's always interesting to hear your opinion on different pieces of gear.
Hi, to all of you. I just had the pleasure of moving into my new home, which was designed to be a total open design for my system. 18 foot walls with a 23 foot ceiling and just about perfect regarding not being too bright or damped in the 30 by 50 living space.

Also, had dedicated circuits installed for the system. The real killer is its the first time I could have my MG-20r's five and a half feet off the back wall and still be able to sit at least 12 to 14 feet off of them.

The change is just beautiful to behold and listen to, my sound stage is now the most realistic I have ever heard in my own home with breathtaking air around each individual player. The great virtues of details, natural timbres, and deep powerful tuneful bass that my system had before are now even more combined in a giant/natural soundstage with individual players staying the right size in the soundstage.

My girlfriend, and co-owner of the house, Amor designed our home around the "big rig" so the acoustic space was a major factor. Got to love her for that! No WAF in play around the setup in this house. I'm a lucky audiophile ain't I!

This news was a little off the track of DACS, but wanted to share my great fortune of sonics with the fellows who on a regular basis share on this thread. Time to go back and listen to some Johnny Griffin blowing some great jazz.
Branimir, I was just curious about what's happening with your on-going auditioning of different dacs/transports in your home system.

I have not heard anything recently that I thought was that special or was significantly better then my Acoustic Arts Dac 1 MK3 and Ensemble transport.

It would be great to hear from you.
Exlibris, I'm very happy for you that you finally got the "sound" you were searching for in your digital front end.

My only concern, not your comments Exlibris, is that the most recent tone of some of the comments are heading towards whats the "BEST" digital gear in the world. My point in starting this thread was to share information regarding the different flavors of many wonderful sounding DACS, not to prove which digital gear is better then anything else. I admire the Meitner gear, but its one of the best flavors out there, but not the best digital front end in the world.

These thread has been great fun and educational at the same time, so I hope it doesnot turn into or end as debate over the "BEST" in the world as many threads end up being.
Hello, to Branimir and the rest of the gang on this thread. I know that you were going to be auditioning new digital pieces and was looking forward to what your experiences have been. So, just checking in , have not heard from you in a long time.

And please, if anyone else has heard any DACS or TRANSPORTS that were quite interesting I would love to hear what you discovered.
Branimir and Exilibris, thanks for sharing what you have been up to lately.

Exilibris, I will find very interesting what you like better after you audition the Weiss combo compared to the EMM combo in your system.

Branimir, I have heard nothing regarding a new MK4 version of the Accustic Arts DAC, however I will check into it. So, do I got it right, that you are not going to audition the new Krell digital gear, and your new reference is the Esoteric combo?

A little off the topic, I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning because I'm auditioning a pair of Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks and I will recieve them in the morning. I have wanted to try these for a long time in my system and finally will scratch this " sonic itch"! Pure single-ended class A, I hope they turn out to be as good as I think they will be. I have no concerns regarding how my Pass Labs X-350.5 powers my MG-20R's midrange/ribbon tweeters right now, its a great sounding amp, but my hunch is that the XA"s will even be more "musical/natural" in my system. It's going to be fun the next few days around my house listening to these mono-blocks as they break in.
Branimir, I have been in sonic heaven since the XA-100's have been singing their song in my system for the last 13 hours! I don't know if they will get much better as they break-in, because they sound wonderfull right now. These monoblocks are my new reference in my system. I just posted a review that hopefully will be accepted by the GON guys, so instead of getting long winded on this thread, take a look at my humble attempt at conveying the beauty of these monoblocks. I think you would find the sonics of the XA amps very interesting and different then your Krell gear, not necessarly better, but another great flavor or taste of musical expression.
Hi Gordon, I have already posted my review of the XA-100's and still am being amazed at how great they sound in my system. For the details regarding the differences between the 350.5 and the XA-100's take a look at my review and if you want even more specific information let me know on that thread. I hope my review gives a good sense regarding the different sonics of each amp and shows that both are great amps in their own right. The bottom line is I just shipped off the 350.5 as a trade in and the XA-100's are my new reference.
Chris, I agree with your viewpoint to a certain degree, but the point of this thread is reference DACS, regardless of what sampling technologies they use, offer different "flavors" or sonic perspectives that amount to real differences that are significant to the listener.

When you get to this high level of performance all the DACS offer wonderful sonics, but that does not negate that there is real improvement compared to older digital front ends, even though its in small incremenents at this level. I have found these small, but real improvements were worth the cost to up grade. I do not play " flavor of the month" with gear in my system, but it seems about every 2 to 3 years digital gets better compared to the older gear.
Branimir, Guidocorona, Kops, I got a chance yesterday to listen to the Esoteric X-01 Limited, in a very good system that was totally different that I'm accustomed to listening to, and thought it was a terrific sounding CDP.

Since, you guys are the "Esoteric" experts, how close does the X-01 Limited come to the performance of the very expensive high end Esoteric seperate transports and dacs? What precentage of performance does the X-01 Limited give compared to its more high end siblings?

If, any of you have had the experience of listening to the Accoustic Arts DAC 1 MK3 and transport and the X-01 Limited, how would you describe the differences/similarities in their sonic signatures?

Finally, Guidocorona, I never heard from you regarding if my response regarding the Pass Labs XA-100's had answered you questions regarding their sonics compared to the 350.5. So, should I assume it was helpful enough or you just got into other things audio and otherwise and still would like to discuss the topic?
Branimir, even if I was interested in changing my digital front end right now, I would have to wait and put some cash back in my "audio account" after my recent purchases of the Pass Labs X-100's and a Running Springs Audio Jaco line conditioner.

The reason I was seeking your and the other very knowledgeable members opinion regarding the X-01 LE was that I have not heard it in my own system and was quite curious about the type of flavor, type 1 or type 2, this player has to offer. At this point I'm still very pleased with my Ensemble reference transport and the Accoustic Arts dac 1 MK3 performance in my system. Since, I heard the X-01 LE in a system that gave me no reference point to really "hear" what the piece has to offer, I could not compare the sonics of my digital front end with the X-01 LE in any meaningful way.

Since, you have heard both digital front ends, it would be great if you compared and contrasted what the sonics are in these two different pieces.

If, I auditioned an Esoteric piece in my system it would be the X-01 LE because of the comments on this thread and it would fit into my budget in the near future.
Playntheblues, I wish you good luck on your purchase of the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4, however in this case "ladyluck" will not be necessary for your total enjoyment of your new piece. So far, everyone I know who has put it into their system has been enthrilled, including myself.

So, let us know what you think of your new toy after you get it and have a chance to listen to it.
Jordan, many thanks for your kudos to me and the rest of the guys on this thread. I too have enjoyed the wealth of information that has been shared in a friendly, respectful,and very knowledgeable way.

A question for the Esoteric experts: Everything I have read has clearly stated that to get the very best performance out of the X-01LTD it MUST be run with balanced cables and not single ended wires. So, if its not possible to run balanced, how much does this damage the absolute performance of this player?

A question for Branimir, somebody loved the sound of my Accustic Arts/Ensemble duo, but cannot afford these pieces. So, in your opinion, which would come closer to this type 2 signature, the Acoustic Research reference CDP or the Accustic Arts CDP? I don't believe that the AA CDP can match the performance of the AA DAC1 MK3, but which do you like better between the Audio Research reference CDP and the Accustic Arts CDP?
Hi, to all my good friends on this thread. About a month ago Branimir asked me if I had heard about a "rumor" regarding Accustic Arts coming out with a new DAC that would replace their present reference the MK3. Well, the so-called "rumor" was true, they have just released their new reference called the MK4.

It seems that the MK4 is not just a refinement of the MK3, but a qualitative different technology as far as I can tell right now. The DAC1 MK3 used a 32/384 upsampling rate, the DAC1 MK4 uses something like, don't know exactly, a 60/1084 upsampling rate! I'm no expert on what this all means from a technical viewpoint, all I care about will it out perform my MK3 sonics in ways that I would find to be a more musical/organic/natural sonic signature.

Well, I have setup a home audition. I'll be getting the MK4 either on tuesday or wednesday of next week. Since I was very happy with my digital front end already, I'm very curious/excited regarding what Accustic Arts' has come up with in their new reference and surely will be sharing what I discover towards the end of next week with all of you.
To address both Sgr's and Chris's questions. First, the retail price of the Accustic Arts DAC 1 MK4 is $7000.00, and I believe for XLR (balanced connections) add another $500.00. If you want information regarding your nearest dealer contact Brain Ackerman of Artistic Audio, he's a great gentleman and very knowledgable, because he's the North American importer of Accustic Arts gear. By the way, Accustic Arts is also coming out with a new reference transport, but that won't be available untill later this fall.

Chris, I never heard of the the Attraction DAC that you asked about, so I can't address its merits one way or the other. If, you have auditioned it , it would be great if you would share your opinion with us of what you think of it. As, far as the Audio Note DAC 5 or the Boulder reference DAC, they are just two of the many different reference DACS that have been discussed and analyzed on this thread. A major aspect to this thread is that their is not "ONE BEST" DAC in the world, but many great digital front ends that offer different flavors and perspectives to the listener. So, personnal taste and system synergy are the final factors to selecting the DAC for any individual system. So, yes, your "wrong" Chris, just kidding, however the overall viewpoint is that their are many great sounding pieces, not just "ONE" thats the best compared to all others on the reference level.
Well, to all my friends on this post, I have just spent the last 8 hours listening to the new Accustic Arts DAC-1 MK4 in my home rig. In one word, it sounds, glorious!

I have posted a review on the MK4 which will provide some of the details of why I believe the Accustic Arts designer's have a great new entry that many of you would want to put on your audition list. I'm not even sure its broken in yet, but it's my new reference already, bettering it's older sibling significantly!

By the way, I was wrong about the MK4's sampling rate, it's not 60/1084 but 66/1536.

If you read my succient review and want more information please let me know on this thread or on the review post. Now back to the pleasure of Kenny Burrell's Midnight Blue.
Chris, my review, that's now up, answers the questions you have asked regarding the sonics of the MK4.

The more I listen to it, it seems to be a great synthesis between what we have been calling type 1 and type 2 "flavors" on this thread.

The "slam" and dynamics are really terrific, but what I would call a "musicality/organic" quality, that I think you are calling "tubelike", is still very much part of the overall sonic signature of this DAC.

Lastly, the soundstage/layering with a sense of "air" around the players is still very impressive as my ear's get used to this new baseline/reference in my rig.
These questions are for Branimir. Now that I have the Accustic Arts DAC-1 MK4, and enjoying immensely, I was wondering if the MK4 is now avaliable to audition were you live in Europe?

Accustic Arts has not yet come out with their new reference transport yet, in the states, I was wondering if it was released already on your continent?

I would be very interested if you are going to try out these new Accustic Arts pieces and hear what your opinion of their sonics are compared to the other great digital front ends that you have auditioned already.
Branimir, the new MK4 offers both single-ended and balanced connections, so it will match up with your system quite easily. Well, as far as a name change, what can I say, the MK4 is not an upgrade of the MK3 as you said, but a totally different design, so I guess the Accustic Art's people thought calling it the MK4 was a good enough name change. I'm really enjoying its performance in my system, and its getting even better as it breaks in.

Henryhk, I believe you can upgrade your EMM LABS gear to the new ES level. Here's the phone number for EMM LABS so you can check directly with them: 503-221-0463.
I just wanted to check-in with Branimir, hope your having a delightful summer, and see if you have listened to any new DACS or CDPS since the last time you posted. If I remember you were going on holiday, but you were going to go to some high end shows or at least hear some of the new digital gear in your home systems.

I'm still very much enjoying my Accoustic Arts Dac1-mk4 and find it to be one of the better digital front ends I have had the pleasure of listening to. The only new DAC that I have recently listened to was the Goldmund, thought it was quite good, however it did not impressive to the point that I would pursue a home audition.
Chris, I used to own an Accuphase DC-91 years ago and remember it's sonics with great pleasure. In its day it gave a much more "musical" and Less "etched/bright" presentation then many other digital gear in those days.

However, to compare it to the Stello, which best is ok and quite good for its retail cost, does not give you a true take on the current reference level DACS/CDPS today.

So, try some true current references ( Accustic Arts, Meitner, Esoteric, Wiess, Zanden, to name a few) and see if you then think there has no been a major evolution/improvement in the overall sonics of the current references compared to gear from a decade ago.
Guidocorona, your quite right about there being much information on this thread regarding both the Accustic Arts and Wiess Media, mainly provided by Branimir who has compared both in his system.

I'm waiting to see what Branimir's opinion will be concerning the Accustic Arts DAC-1MK4, compared to the Wiess and other DACS, because I'm finding my MK4, as it keeps breaking in, to offer great sonic pleasure in my system.

Finally, Guidocorona, I was wondering what was going on with you concerning the Pass Labs XA amps, regarding if you were going to audition a pair, now that it seems that the XA-100's would power your speakers without compression or concerns over distortion and volume levels. I thought you were in the "market" to give them a go?
Guidocorona, you mean to tell me that you would let your wife get in the way of a new amp! BLASPHEMY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER! I hope you know I'm just teasing, believe me, I can relate to the WAF, that many audiophiles have to deal with one way or another.

Branimir, my opinion regarding what % better is the MK4 then the MK3 would be around 25 to 30 precent overall. The MK4 is much more dynamic and yet at the same time more "musical/organic" then the MK3. I'm still amazed at how it performs in my system, it's still improving as it breaks in, yet it's not at all euphonic, if a CD is recorded poorly, it still sounds bad, but if the performance is recorded at all in a reasonable way the MK4 will let it sound very natural indeed. At $7000.00 the MK4 is not in expensive, however based on build quality and its performance, which I think is very competitive with other much more costly DACS might make it some what of a bargain at its price point.
Gliderguider, with all do respect, I disagree that the Audio Note DAC," has gotten short shrift" on this thread. I auditioned this level Audio Note DAC over two year ago, as I reported, and found it to have a great midrange but lacked extension on both the top and bottom end, macrodynamics, and the type of clarity/details I listen for in an reference DAC.

I would rank it as one of the better type II DACS, but would not put it at the head of the list, for the above stated reasons, and did not purchase it for my system.

I totally agree with your pleasure with the Stealth Sextet, I still believe it might be the best digital cable out there today.

Finally, I'm glad that you are totally enjoying your new digital front end, seems their is great synergy between the transport-cable-dac, and agree that a transport can make a very significant difference in the total sound of a digital front end.
Gliderguider, I greatly appreciate your remarks regarding the subjective aspect regarding how/why an individual responses to the sonics of a specific piece of gear or the overall perspective of a total system.

I, too, have had the experience of listening to gear/systems that I respected regarding specific parameters, such as details, clarity, dynamics,etc., but left me "cold" on an emotional or visceral level. It's a similiar experience I have with certain jazz players, I'm a serious jazz fan, were I admire their skills, but do not connect on a psychological/feeling level.

What we are discussing is often described by many reviewers as the difference between an "audiophile" amp or speaker in comparsion with a "music lover's" piece of gear.

I believe there are pieces of high end gear that have all the analytical components along with what I and my audiophile/music lover friends refer to in our lexicon as a "musicality/liquidity/organic sense" that many other pieces lack. We do not believe this is the same as an "euphonic warmth" find in many systems when the individual is trying to get rid of a brightness/harshness by warming things up.

Finally, regarding digital front ends, my categories of type I or II was an attempt to offer a structure that hopefully could lead to an ongoing, respectful interesting discussion, which to my delight it has, regarding these sonic prespectives found in the different reference DACS.
Exlibris, sorry to disagree with you on this one, however I have found no correlation between non-upsampling DACS vs upsampling DACS regarding a more " believable soundstage". Now, all the non-upsampling DACS I have auditioned were tube based, and my hunch is that you might find this type of sonic presentation more pleasing then SS DACS.

So, I don't think that the spatial qualities of non-upsampling DACS is superior to upsampling DACS, in my experience, and that either strategy is superior to the other. Both upsampling and non-upsampling gear can offer great performance.
Just had a new acquaintance, who happens to sell hi-end gear and is an experienced audiophile, come over to listen to my rig.

His major references are Meitner and DCS. He was amazed at the sonic performance of the Accustic Arts DAC1 MK4. He found it to be just as detailed/dynamic as the above mentioned digital front ends, however he thought it was more "real and more naturally musical" to use his words.

Well, its always good for the old audiophile "EGO" to have someone knowledgable to give your rig kudos, but I wanted to share this because I think the MK4 really is one of the better references out there, at a reasonable cost. My new friend is seriously considering auditioning the Accustic Arts piece to replace his much more expensive DCS front end.
Exlibris, you have made some major changes in your system in a relatively short period of time! It seems that you are extremely pleased with how your total system sounds to you. Well, congratulations, your thoughtful effort and time put in has gotten you what you wanted, so enjoy the music.

Now, some questions for you, I'll look forward to your responses, thanks in advance.

1) Please share in more detail what the Attraction DAC offers you, that other upsampling SS DACS did not in your listening experiences. Remember I only care about redbook not SACD.

2) I had a ML-31.5 transport and thought with my gear that the reference Ensemble sounded better. If I got it correct you just replaced your Accustic Arts Drive 1 with the ML-31.5. What differences between the two transport did you hear that lead to your decision.

3) I will be receiving in the next day or two the new version of the Accustic Arts transport that is a major upgrade parts wise compared to the first generation and was developed by Accustic Arts to bring out the best possible performance from the their new MK4 DAC. I will be writing a review of my audition experience in the next couple of weeks. Did you consider this new version of the Accustic Arts Drive 1 or were you so enamored with what the ML-31.5 offered that would be no reason to audition it?
I have just submitted my review of the the new Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 here on the GON. It was hard for me at first to believe how it out performed my Ensemble transport with the Accustic Arts DAC 1-MK4 in my system. So, to say the least, its a keeper in my system and my new reference. For details, take a look at the review, if you then have any questions/comments post either here or on the review thread. If your thinking of auditioning reference level transports, please put the Accustic Arts MK2 on your list, its quite good and reasonabled priced for a reference piece.
Just wanted to share that a good audiophile friend came over to hear the combination of the Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 and Accustic Arts DAC 1-MK4, since he had not heard my system since I replaced my Ensemble transport.

His reference is the Meitner gear, along with great experience with both the full stack DCS and the high end Esoteric CDP's. Remember, the only thing I care about is Redbook performance, he thought the Accustic Arts combo was really very "special" in that it was very detailed/dynamic and yet very airy and musical, to use his words.

So, I'm not even suggesting the Accustic Arts combo is the BEST in the world, just sharing, at least to salient points: 1) That the sonic signature of the Accustic Arts combo offers the best synthesis of type 1 and type 2 virtues I have had in my system so far. 2) The Accustic Arts gear is not inexpensive, but based on build quality and performance it offers world class sonics at a very reasonable price compared with the competition.
Exlibris, now that I have had the Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 in my system for over a week, I would highy recommend you set up an audition to try with your new reference DAC. I believe the AA transport is on a much higher level of performance compared to the Levinson 31.5, and would make your new DAC "sing" even better then its does now. A great combination of speed/detail, a totally black background and a very silky/smooth easy presentation. So, I hope you can listen to it in your system, I would love to hear wht your opinion would be compared to the 31.5.
Exlibris, I give you much credit for your tenacity regarding home auditions of different gear in order to get the overall sonic signature and synergy you want in your system.

I also believe this ongoing thread regarding reference DACS proves the following:

1) That by setting up a common language or categories like type 1 or type 2 "flavors" it allows use to share information in an useful and productive way.

2) That personnal taste, along with system synergy, is really the final determinate about why we finally settle on the pieces of gear in our systems.

When I auditioned a very high level non-upsampling Audio Note DAC and the Zanden DAC I too heard a wonderful warm and liquid midrange, very much like a SET tube amp, but neither DAC had the extension on the top and bottom that I would want in my system. I also found that they were not as detailed as other DACS that I auditioned. I almost totally listen to acoustic jazz, recorded in the 50's and early 60's on analog tape, so timbres are very important to me, therefore I can understand why voices sound great to you on the Zanden DAC. It's pretty clear that you are very much a type 2 "flavor" in your digital front end. In my system I want the warmth and liquidity of a type 2 "flavor" along with more slam/dynamics and extension of type 1 "flavor" DACS. I found that in the Accustic Arts DAC 1 MK3 at first, and now at even a higher level with the combination of the new Accustic Arts Drive 1 MK2 along with the Accustic Arts Dac 1 MK4.

No right or wrong, personnal taste, system matching leads us to what gives each of us the greatest personnal pleasure in our music listening experience. I really have enjoyed this thread, we all share, we don't fight or argue, or get our audiophile egos in the way of an ongoing friendly conversation.
Branimir, as always good to hear from you and thanks for sharing your more recent ranking of digital front ends. I will take it as a compliment that you ranked the Accustic Art combo number four, considering that it costs almost $15000.00 less then the three others on your list!

Now, here's my questions for you:

1) Do the higher ranked combos offer something that the Accustic Arts Combo qualitatively does not offer in it's overall sonic signmature?

2) Does the Accustic Arts combo offer the same sonic attributes as the better combos on your list, but just does not do them as well as the top ranked combos on your list?

3) If you would put in a precent rating the amount of "musicality" that the Accustic Arts offers compared to the other digital front ends.

I will thank you in advance, it's always enjoyable for me to see what your informed opinions are regarding some of the highest regarded gear on the market today.
Petland, I believe what you are concerned with, losing extension on the top and bottom, to get maybe a little more "warmth/liquidity" in the midrange, would be the end result with the Audio Note 3.1 DAC.

When I auditioned an Audio Note 3.1 in my system I found it to have a very musical midrange, almost like a SET tube amp, but lacked detail,dynamics, and extension, therefore it was not my sonic cup of tea.

If you tried the AR CD7 and felt that your present DAC had the same tonal balance, but offered better dynamics and extension, I think you would not be enamored by the AN 3.1, which might offer a touch more of what you like in the midrange, but at the loss of the other sonic virtues of your present digital front end.
Sabertouch, at one time I had the ML-31.5 as my reference transport, but it was replaced by an Ensemble reference because it offered better performance in my system. However, the ML-31.5 is still a great transport and very competitive with other transports on the market today.

My hunch is that the ML-31.5 with the Accustic Art DAC-1 MK4, will sound very good indeed. However, in my system the Accustic Arts DAC-1 MK4 with the new Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 offered a higher level of refinement/synergy then with my Ensemble transport. I believe Accustic Arts mainly came out with the Drive-1 MK2 in order to get the ultimate performance out of their new reference DAC.

It will be interesting to see what Exlibris experience will be in his system.
I have just read another, about the third, superlative review regarding the non-upsampling Audiomat Maestro DAC that is made in France.

I know that Exlibris likes the sonics of non-upsampling DACS, so I was wondering if he or Branimir, who lives across the big pond, have ever heard this DAC and what their opinion is of its sonics. I also know that the importer for the US is located in Canada, were Exlibris lives.
I just want to share my experiences regarding auditioning the Accuphase DP-78 CDP. Years ago I had the reference Accuphase digital front end gear that was quite good in its time era, but had not listened to an Accuphase piece in many years. This piece had gotten very good reviews and so I was interested how it would compare with my own reference the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK2/DAC1-MK4 and many other digital front ends I have had the pleasure to listen to.

The system that I listened to the Accuphase DP-78 was a fine system, which had the following gear, Audio Research Ref 3, Plinius amp, Kubala-Sosna wires and Sonus Faber speakers. The other digital piece used in the audition was the Esoteric X-01 Limited, which I have heard before and have great respect for its overall sonic performance.

Well, I guess the Accuphase DP-78 is not my "sonic cup of tea", at best it had a nice euphonic perspective, but lacked details, had no slam, lacked extension both on the top and bottom. The Esoteric X-01 made the whole system come alive, but was still very musical/natural with details, slam, extension.

I could see if someone's system was overly bright/forward or if they were used to a hot/harsh digital sound that the DP-78 would be a blessing, however pleasing as we know does not equal accurate and musical. So, I would not give this piece a "thumbs up" as I would to many other digital pieces discussed on this thread.
Hello, to everybody who still follows and participates on this thread.

I was wondering if anybody had had the chance to audition yet either the brand new Meitner EMM Labs single box player or the other just released EAR Acute player which is the offspring of the talented designer Tim de Paravicini.

Both, have been given superlative reviews and the claims are that they offer reference level performance for far less money then DAC/transport front ends.

As always, I trust the ear's of my fellow GON members more then reviewers, on such matters, so if anybody has really listened to either piece it would be great to hear from you.
Hi, Branimir, hope you are doing well and are looking forward to the holiday season(that goes for everyone else too).

Just wanted to share that I again auditioned the Esoteric X-01 SE and share my experience, and see if it agrees with your opinion.

The X-01 SE is a great sounding CDP with fantastic macrodynamics/slam and details. However, compared to the Acoustic Arts reference combo(Drive 1 mk2/DAC1 mk4), I still found it not as "organic/musical" to my ear's. I did not found the Esoteric machine to be what some critics have called "ruthless" in its presentation, just not as subjectively pleasing like the Acoustic Art pieces.

So, I would definitely put the X-01 SE in the type #1 group and the Acoustic Arts combo towards the type #2 with very good dynamics/extension/details.

Would this jive with your experience? I still think, that while not inexpensive at $13500.00, that the Acoutic Arts combo offers alot of performance for the money, and one would have to spend another $5000.00 to $7000.00 to really gain in overall performance. It will be great to hear your opinion.
Two weeks ago I had the chance to audition, in this case not a home audition but in a salon's very high end system, the Gryphon Mikado CDP.

I had read a few very postive reviews on this player, even though nobody on this thread had ever mentioned this player at all. Well, to say the least, it did not float my sonic boat at all. The Mikado offered alot of details,speed, and dynamics, but I found to be to much "in your face" and not very musical at all. I think what some listeners wuold describe as "lean" sounding.

Has anybody heard any other new digital front ends or cdps that you thought were interesting lately? Branimir, have listened to the new Esoteric pieces or other possible contenders? It would be great to hear from you guys if anything new digital has caught your fancy so far in 07.
I just got finished reading a review of the Accustic Arts CD Player1-Mk2 in the latest edition of hi>fi+ by Alan Sircom. He gave a strong thumbs up and thinks it competes with other CDP's that cost twice as much. To quote Mr. Sircom," Irrespective of your system, you owe it to yourself to audition this player. Its closet rivals cost twice as much; sounds like a bargain to me."

The Accustic Arts CDP does sound great, however the AA DAC1-MK4 and Drive1-MK2 go to another level, and they compete with reference digital front ends that cost at least $10000.00 to $15000.00 more.

I just hope more listners here in the states get to hear these pieces, they offer so much performance and great build quality for such reasonable prices compared with other reference level digital gear.
Audiofeil, hi Bill, could you share your opinion on the sonic differences between the Esoteric X-1 SE/LE and the current X-01D2. I have found the X-1SE to be a very, to use the jargon of this thread, type #1 flavor. I admired many of its sonic attributes, but found it very slightly kinda "ruthless" in the systems I have heard it in and not as "musical" as other digital front ends I have listened to.

So, does the new X-01D2 keep the virtues of details, great dynamics, extension, transparency, and add a touch of warmth or not? Please share your impressions. Thanks.
I just got the new Accustic Arts hybrid tube reference DAC in my system. It is not even burnt-in yet, but right out of the box it is the best combination of type 1 and 2 flavor I have ever heard yet in my system. Just wonderful musicality/liquidity and yet great resolution/extenstion/dynamics. I'll be writing a formal review here on the GON after it totally burns-in in the next couple of weeks.