Reference 3a Dulcet with Solid State Amp?

Would the Dulcet (or De Capo) be synergistic with solid state amplification or is Reference 3a voiced for/with tubes? I own a Naim Nait5i and CD5i.
I had a pair of Dulcets for about 1.5 years and found that they actually sounded better with solid state amps than the other Reference 3A speakers. The Dulcets take a lot more juice to get to a decent volume level than the more efficient MM de Capo i's. Just be careful how much power you throw into them as they are quite small.
Any of the Reference 3A's (voiced for tube or solid state) can sound great with very high quality solid state.

Good Luck,

Derek Stewart
Vancouver, BC
I use and Edge G3 to drive my MM De Cappo i's along with a Naim CDX2/XPSII....I enjoy it very much. I reviewed the Dulcets loved em.....I think it all sounds great but I would look for a smooth solid state to sound their best, but mine sound great and the Edge is not smooth...
I really enjoyed my Dulcets for about a year with Nait5i and Naim CD5x. First I've heard about different versions voiced for tube or SS, despite useful correspondence with a helpful manufacterer on other points.

I traded up to Veenas; they sound excellent, benefitted from dedicated bases and some acoustic fibre treatment in the port to de-tune bass on my rather resonant suspended wood floor. I still feel twinges of nostalgia for the Dulcets. The Veenas really shone with a nice tube amp from ASL; I feel the Dulcet may have been more optimal with the Naim, though clearly not as full range.