Reference 3a Dulcet upgrades

I recently had some upgrades done to my 5-year-old Reference 3a Dulcet speakers and I'm amazed at the improvement with so little cost involved. For some reason, the manufacturer doesn't advertize this, but the President, Tash Goka, told me it was okay to spread the news. You have the option to send your speakers directly to the factory in Ontario or if you have a little soldering experience and incredible patience, they'll send you the parts for DIY( this is the route I took). The upgrades include a new copper Farady ring which is easily and quickly placed behind the phase plug of the mid/woofer driver. This ring smooths out a 4500khz dip in the frequency response as well as improves the dynamics and range of the driver. With this Farady ring in place, I also installed a 2.2uf Duelund VSF copper cap on the tweeter( other options are Mundorf Silver/gold oil or much more expensive Duelund Cast), replacing the factory aluminum paper-in-oil 4.56 uf cap. They also sent me a couple of runs of new UPOCC solid copper wiring to replace the internal wiring in the cabinets. This was the toughest and most time-consuming part( 4 hours) since the speaker cabinets are so small that it requires amazing dexterity and patience to get in there and properly place and solder the wire to the right locations. The wire takes a long time to break in and the Duelunds take up to 300 hours to smooth out and show their full glory. But it is all worth it. The mids are more open and transparent, the highs are amazingly more extended and delicately natural. And the bass is also deeper and more taut. I am considering trying some Acoustic Zen Satori internal wiring since that is what my speaker cables are, but I'm going to let everything gel together another week or so before I do this. In the meantime, for a reasonable cost, all of these upgrades make an already great mini-monitor even greater. Highly recommended for those who own older Dulcet speakers.

Showing 1 response by cityboy

I wanted to also share my praise for the excellent customer service and product rendered by Tash Goka the owner of Divergent Technology. I too recently upgraded my reference 3a monitors, not the Dulcet but their other great monitor, the mm de copa. My upgrade was a kit provided by Reference 3a. It includes, matched tweeters, better internal wiring, capacitors, and the faraday ring. I chose to upgrade the capacitors provided in the kit to mundorf supreme silver and oil capacitors. The mundorf capacitors were also provided by Reference 3A. In addition they provided me with brass screws for the drivers and tweeters. I installed the kit this weekend and though Tash cautioned that it takes a while for new internal wires and the capacitor to burn in the listening experience is even better at first listen.
Not only was the product delivered in a timely manner but during the installation when I had a question, Tash responded to an email sent on a weekend, later that same day.

I would like to echo what was said earlier in this series of responses "It is Always great to see a company that is committed to supporting their customers! Even better when the company is one that produces a line of such top notch loudspeakers."