Reference 3a decapo vs. J M Reynard Duets/Bliss

Wondering if anyone has had any experience with both of these speakers. They will be used in a small den (11' x 12')with tubes playing acoustical music such as vocals, jazz combos, and cello sonotas.

Looking for what differences to expect, what you may have liked or disliked about either of them.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

Showing 1 response by philjolet

I have owned the JMR Trentes and DeCapos

surprisingly the Trentes were easier to drive and I preferred them, I did not do a side by side comparison so I am not giving you a scientific impression, I owned the DeCapos a few years after the Trentes and they may have been under powered with my 8wpc Meishu, but they were a bit flat and muddy in the bass and lacked clarity in comparison.

fwiw the Trentes were among my favorite speakers so they were heavy competition for the DeCapos. They had a terrific musical quality that made you want to listen forever.

good luck
