Reference 3A DECapo "BE" spk a major upgrade??

In looking over some past threads, I happened to notice several discussing the value and merits of the Reference 3A DeCapo, and DeCapo i speakers Some of the responses date as far back as 2011-2012.

Since then, Reference has introduced a few new and different speakers, BUT still continues with the DeCapo series. The new version is the DeCapo MM "BE" speaker that has introduced a new tweeter which is made of beryllium, and also changed the veneer to a gray Nextel. I have seen one very good review of the new version on the Soundstage blog, and a few comments here and there, but surprisingly not much else in the way of press.

Therefore, has these changes improved the sound quality of the speaker, or POSSIBLY downgraded it??( not that uncommon for any "new improved" speakers) However, some AG members claimed the older model could compete with many floor standers in $3200 price range. However, since 2012, there are many fine speakers in the $3200 to 3500 range like the Sonus Faber Venene 3.5. a few KEF Reference speakers; B&W's 800 or 805 series falling between $3000-4000

Personally, I was unconvinced by the claims of sonic improvements by Usher in their monitor 718BE which may have the first to utilize this type of driver. Several owners claimed it sounded bright or edgy.

So, has the Reference 3A De Capo "BE" perfected this type of driver, and has it improved the sound quality of the speaker by an extension of the highs?? If you have owned both the older version of this speaker, or the new version, please let us hear from you. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by tubegroover

Well it seems you have locked in on a couple of highly regarded speakers Sunnyjim. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. I hear you about the Maggies. I DO like them very much but they are fussier indeed. I am also very curious about the Golden Ear lineup particularly at their price point. Good luck and happy hunting!
Sunnyjim I would only say this, first off I've never heard the Decapo i's so can offer no opinion. Second I have read pros and cons for the BE over the original tweeter. So you are probably going to get many different opinions and different conclusions that you will only be left to draw your own by listening there is no other way.I WILL say this, that I found the speaker to be a bit bright when I first heard it which I felt quite confident to be break-in related which was borne out. I auditioned in home for 3 weeks before committing, I have a very flexible dealer :).The Decapo BE can play BIG with remarkable bass for a stand mounted speaker. I am speaking of large scale orchestral music in a large room. They really are quite remarkable in this respect. I have listened with 4 different amplifiers and 4 different pre-amplifiers all with good results and a few combos with spectacular results. I have a subwoofer in the wings but have not felt compelled to try it such is the bass although truth be told, I'm not a bass freak. Very natural presentation and IMO a superb value, YMMV as always.

I DO have a friend that has a pair of L'Integral with the Corian front baffle, purchased used after he heard the Decapos in my place. There ARE differences in the tweeters that are noticable. I find the Decapo BE are more open and transparent than his L'Integrals, with similar coherence and the house sound. Imaging goes to the Decapos as well. The L'Integrals, a floor stander, go lower in the bass. I expect much of the added transparency is related to the BE tweeter. I wouldn't pay much attention to a listening impression derived from a brief showroom audition. Ideally you would like to hear a pair broken in, it takes time.