
I have been shopping for a ref75se or ref150se for awhile and have noticed either they get sold pretty quickly, or are on the market for awhile.

I have been in snooze you lose situations, but am hesitant to pull the trigger on one because of it being unsold for quite some time.

Just would like to know from the experience here on the forum what you all think.


Showing 2 responses by jjss49

ref 5 se linestage certainly deserves a matching arc reference amp downstream of it! -- even a ref 110, now reasonably priced - simply a superb amp


you basically answered your own questions

price, local sale only, no packing materials, availability of the seller (amazing how many posters of ads are very slow to answer inquiries)... not to mention usual issues of condition/history of unit and so on

no reason to be hesitant to buy if the seller is an established one with a good track record based on buyer feedback