Reel to Reel information, user tips and tricks...

Reel to Reel.  I'm bringing my Reel to Reel rigs back into service. They have been in storage for almost 20 years.

I ordered, a new RtR pre amp. Decware ZP3 Phono/RtR valve preamp. I stopped using the medium, mainly while I was raising kids. I'm retired now getting everything in working order.  I had the misfortune of loosing a lot of the gear. Tapes, preamp, and Otari MX50/50 BII with a "direct head tap" via RCA. Any RtR people out there.
New tape? Better tape? I'm using 10.5" and down. It has been a while..
I'm looking at any mods on dampening the reels or heads for sound tweaks.

I'm going to playback, and record. Any pointers, ideas, are sure welcome.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, I know it's NOT digital. I like it, plane and simple. 

No name callin', be polite, ok.. HAVE FUN...


Showing 3 responses by johnss

If you are looking for blank tape source, a good one to consider it

they sell single pass reels and pancakes from several manufacturers.
would agree with atmosphere on the noise.

Yes, have heard the decware head unit several times. Its pretty nice.

regarding noise, would also suggest using vishay bulk foil VSR types as your load resistor for terminating the signal from the heads.
if you are handy with a soldering iron and can run the EQ curves, you can also use one of the tube phono stages as a tape head preamp......I have done it with an EAR 834 as well as the Marantz 7 clone phono stage.
Amazing how much better it sounds.