Reel to reel deck directly to power amp ?

Thinking about my totally new future system. The main source is going to be reel to reel deck, most likely Otari two track, possibly Studer A810. I will keep the turntable and run the phono thru deck. So I will need only one input, decks have volume control and preamp. I don't think I will need separate preamp. Do you ?
Power amps could be both transistor and tube, maybe even hybrids - Lamm, as an example, would very much depend on speakers. Don't know what speakers, could be as different as Harbeth and Kharma.

Showing 7 responses by orpheus10

That's a very good question Inna, and I hope someone has an answer in regard to the best tape. I have been so glad to get Quantegy 456, that I haven't scrutinized it.

I dream of "Maxell EE"; that tape was so good that you could record at 3 3/4 and get the same results as recording on regular tape at 7 1/2.

Inna, I said it once, and I'll say it again; unless you have a source for good "blank" tape at a reasonable cost, forget about a reel to reel, and if you have a source, please inform me.

Almarg, if you're saying that .775 volts is enough to drive an amp, you're more mistaken than the rest.

If all of youse chip in, you might be able to round out that square peg you're trying to fit in a round hole by chipping of the corners, or maybe you can square the hole a bit.

Almarg, what do you think "MAX" is? Do you drive 120 MPH or whatever the max speed your car will go?

There is a line level control for recording level and out put level to "pre-amp", not amp. The RS 1500 puts out a max signal of .775 volts, while a good pre puts out a max of 20 volts for the power amp.

From my point of view, this is a case of the blind leading the blind, and then running with it.

Inna, that's a very bad idea; what you are talking about is "line level" signals, tape, tuner, etc.

Preamp out is what goes to amp in, not a line level signal.