Reed tonearm w/ Raven One table-how's the match ?

I soon expect to go for a Raven One, but it's tough deciding on an arm for it. Currently own an SME IV.Vi, but want easier adjustability. I'm considering the Reed 2A or 2P with cedar wood and the C37 Finewire in copper with Eichmann Copper Bullet plugs. My listening preference is mainly orchestral music.I do like a slightly soft edged, warm/dark sound and don't mind giving up a bit of top end air but wish to preserve presence from instruments at the rear of the orchestral soundstage. For any of you who have this combo,what say you? Too much warmth interfering with what I'm looking/listening for or not? I have Dynavector XV-1S and Benz Ebony LP cartridges,reasonably neutral Ear 88PB preamp,Air Tight ATM-3 amps,Dunlavy SC-4 speakers.

Showing 6 responses by suteetat

I just took a delivery of Q3 a couple of weeks ago. I plan to use it on Raven AC which I should get in a couple of month.In the mean time, I mount it on Reed's base to use with VPI Classic. Very very nice. All the adjustments are very easy to do. May be not quite as dynamic, bold or as big sounding as JMW 10.5 but more quiet, smoother, better control and more detail. My Reed dealer should have his Reed arm installed on Raven one pretty soon. I am curious to hear how it would go as well.
Opus88, I have 12" cocobolo arm. Right now I have Air Tight and Koetsu Onyx cartridge and Reed recommended cocobolo so I can use it with either cartridge.
My dealer also got a 2p with Cocobolo arm to use with his Miyajima Kansui. I have the C37 silver/WBT RCA cable. My dealer got one with copper wire.
I heard Reed 2P on Raven One today, with Cocobolo arm, copper phono cable into ASR Basis Exclusive Phono into Soulution pre/power (the stereo amp one) with Magico Q3. Cartridge was Miyajima Kansui. I was very impressed although the speakers are brand new and not burned in yet.Very very smooth, a touch on the warm side. Unfortunately I could not compare it to any other arm directly but the combination certainly works. I heard the same Raven One with Raven arm and Miyajima Shilabe in the past but Raven arm does not really match with Shilabe due to Miyajima's compliance so it is probably not a fair comparison for Raven anyhow and I have not heard Shilabe in direct comparison with Kansui in the same system yet. But Kansui/Reed combination certainly outperform Shilabe/Raven from what I can tell by a wide margin.
Lewm, you are right but in a way, all the combinations from Reed make it rather confusing. Some of the wood have to same effective mass so it is really hard to figure out which wood to choose. I went by what Reed suggested for my particular cartridges since I could not afford to buy 2 or 3 arms with different material to try.

I am not sure if there is any particularly good reason that the wire has to be attached to the base of the tonearm. I would love to be able to swap out different arm using one base unit. I would not mind that the phono wire has to stay with the arm itself. It would still be cheaper than buying 2 or 3 Reed arms and it would make experimenting with various wood more economical.
Jarrett, I assume your Kansui cartridge is a Miyajima.
I just heard it with Reed Cocobolo wand. Great sounding cartridge that matches better with Reed than TW Acoustic Raven arm.

If I get a second Reed arm, (may be in the next year or two, hopefully), I definitely am thinking about Red Cedar as well. I think that with Red Cedar and Cocobolo, The two should cover almost all the cartridges available that I might consider.
I was going to get Pernambucco wand since the weight was identical to Cocobolo but the article mentioned that Pernambucco measurement showed it to be ideal material for heavier arm for Koetsu. However, for whatever reason, Reed suggested Cocobolo rather than Pernambucco for my Koetsu. So I assume there was some other reasons besides what measures the best as well. What it is, I have no idea though! Mind you, I have no regrets going with Cocobolo because it sounds great in my system and looks much better which is an added bonus.