Reducing background fizz and pops on Vinyl.

My Question is what are the best methods to reduce the background fizz and crackle on Albums. 99% are brand new Vinyl and sound excellent just when it goes thru silent passages it seems to enhance a bit. So is there a Liquid product to treat the vinyl, better stylus, or phono-preamp to help in this? I am not very experianced in Vinyl so I am sorry if this is not a valid situation to fix. Also, I use an Anti-static brush from audioquest before use which seems to pull all visible dust and contaminents. Thanks

Showing 3 responses by david99

I spent a good deal of money on a mint Japanese copy of Sgt.Peppers.It looked brand new.The first time I played it I was heart broken.I thought for sure it was damamged as the surface noise was unbearable even during loud passages.
I cleaned the hell out of it on my wet-vac (3x's) and gave it 3 treatments of Groove-Glide.
I was SHOCKED that this LP was now DEAD QUIET!!!!
This one experiance has made me a true believer in wet-vacs!
I refuse to pay $30-$50 a gallon for record cleaner when I can make my own for pennies a gallon.I figure thats about what it costs for the "good stuff' and I wont pay someone to do what I can.
My cleaner is:
4 parts to 1 of distilled water and alcohol.Get as a high % as you can find and with no lanolin in it.
You can find 96% if you look.
Next in is 10 drops of Kodak photo-flow.You can get a life time supply at a camera shop for $4
Next in is 10 drops of Direct tile cleaner.Again,a life time supply for $3
I have found Groove-Glide @$25 a can 'ok' it's worth it I guess.Not a huge improvement but some.
Be careful the first time you use it.I caught quite a buzz the first time and I was laughing and flipping my expensive Japanese imports around the room like a frisbee the first time I used it.
Not quite as good as a killer doob though!
Matrix-don't over do it with the groove-glide.more is not better.
you should be able to get 200+ treatments from 1 can.