Reduce Floor Vibration?? I live in an apartment.

This is an interesting problem that I am hoping you might be able provide me with some ideas. I live in a second apartment, which as you know is not always conducive to large stereo systems. My Paradigm Ref Studio 60’s can shake the floor at relatively low volume levels and I really don’t want to cause problems with my psycho downstairs neighbor. Is there a way to reduce the vibration being transferred to the floor without adversely effecting the speakers performance? Maybe improve it?
I have been thinking about getting a couple of marble slabs to set the speakers on, and then using vibropads. The reviews suggest that putting them under the speakers has had a positive effect on soundstaging. I would really appreciate any suggestions offered. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by grungle

Following up on George's advice, you may want to go for the ultimate in near field and move the speakers right next to your head. There are plenty of high-end headphone products out there to experiment with, it's cheaper, and you don't have to worry about room interaction (which is a vital consideration with loud speakers whether you have neighbors or not.)