Redbook Keeps Surprising

I was a Best Buy to get a memory card reader for my computer. Looked at the CDs and saw a few in the bargain bin that I would like to have, only a few dollars. Came home, ripped them with DB power amp, picked the best cover art. Transferred to my Aurender through the NAS and played away. WOW, impressive sound and I really enjoyed them both. I like the High Res downloads and my SACD collection but am often really impressed by good Redbook CD. It really is the music that counts. 
Your son/estate/heir is free to sell or transfer ownership of the discs to anyone at anytime. But they can't also retain copies for themselves.
Hi jafreeman,

Concerning royalties, I know my wife had to pay into ASCAP and BMI when she had her dance schools years ago.

... consider this scenario; I buy a disc from a regular retail source, pay the prescribed market price, listen to it, don't rip it or save it in any way and then grow tired of it, and give it to a friend/donating it; is that a violation of copyright law as well? ... can I assume the same would apply to (after my death and therefore no longer using my discs) giving it all to my son or if he does not want it, to a music library as a donation?
Cleeds is correct.  Simply put, copyright law imposes restrictions on copying.  If there is no copying, there is no violation.

-- Al