Redbook Audio Aero Prima vs SACD palyer?

How much performance gain is there with a SACD player as compared to the Prima CD player? I have to buy a CD player and the Prima is at the top of my list. Should I get a SADC player in the same price range for the benefit of the SACD's rolling out these days?

I am sticking with my Audio Aero (Mark II) as I have a huge investment in redbook and i really don't want to clutter my sources at the great expence of my pocketbook.
I own a Mk2 Model Prima and a Xindak SCD-2 which is an SACD Player.
I have kept the Prima because it is superior to the Xindak on Redbook and sometimes so close to SACD comparing SACD Layer to Redbook layer in a hybrid CD that you have to wonder.
Thankfully I payed the paltry sum of $700 for the Xindak and for that money it is great and now I have the flexibility to purchase either Redbook or SACD.
Probably the one place where SACD shows it's mettle is with Classical recordings. Here there is beautiful naturalness that Redbook just can't match.
What an intersesting "thread". I have a new (I month old) Xindak SCD-2 player, and the rest of my equipment is Kora all tube equipment. I use the SCD-2 to play CDs, as a transport with the Kora Hermes II as the DAC, then through the Kora Eclipse preamp and Galaxy reference amp. The sound is incredible, ........... in fact better than playing SACDs with the Xindak balanced output through the Kora Eclipse preamp and Galaxy amp!!
Would you be able to advise me of any mods I can do, to really get the benefit of SACD, or know of someone who can?
I've had the same experience CD vs SACD. My Wadia 861 sounded much better playing redbook CDs compared to a Sony SCD-777ES playing SACDs. Same music/album, of course. This was in my friend's system using his cables (TARA, V-D), his pre (Spectral) & his power amp (Plinius SA-250).
My experience was brief (few hrs one evening). Many people write that one has to live w/ SACDs for a long time to perceive just how good they are over CDs.
That's bollocks! In my experience, if something is much better sounding, I can tell immediately. It takes me about 1 track on a known CD (music known to me) to figure out whether the sound is better or worse (to whatever I'm comparing it to - electronics to electronics or CD to CD). If one has to live w/ SACDs for a while before perceiving their superiority over CDs then I don't consider that any sort of superiority! It's a slight difference/improvement that I cannot justify as a major expense in my system.
Over on a EMM Labs thread, I read a whole bunch of owners just brown-nosing each other informing all those who read that thread just how good the EMM Labs modified Philips transport is for SACD!! Looks like people justifying their huge investment into SACD (if they didn't justify their postion, they'd look foolish spending this much money!). Most of world has seen marginal (consumer ROI) improvement in SACD. Many people in the audio biz have also written about SACD's marginal improvement over CDs.
Some articles:
My intention is *not* to touch off a battle over this subject (it's been flogged already in another thread on Audiogon) but to suggest that the investment in SACD is probably not worth your hard-earned money. Atleast not right now.
If you insist on getting a SACD player, get something inexpensive so that it doesn't pinch you should it not pan out for you for one reason or the other.