Red Rose Music by Mark Levinson

Red Rose Music (New York City) is a new company started by Mark Levinson. They have a small system that includes a pre-amp, power amp and speakers selling for $9,500 (plus cables, etc). The electronics is very compact (they say) and, as per Red Rose, out performs more expensive components from other companies in sonic quality (of course). I live in California and a trip to New York to listen is impossible. Has any one ever heard this system or any body in the New York area planning to visit Red Rose Music for a listen? Any information is appreciated. thanks..

Showing 1 response by drrdiamond6dbd

Yes, I have spent time with Mark in his showroom listening to this sysem with mostly music, but also with video material. First, remember that Mark is a master at demonstrating. The system is remarkable for the size and price. I personally own Krell drive B&W800's (at a much higher price and taking up much more space). What I missed in listening to the Red Rose Music system was the visceral feel that my system produces. I would love to someday hear his bigger and much much more expensive system.