I have the same sized room (work office). Linn Classik (EAR feet) on a Target TT1 with an Audio Asylum power cord, and ProAc Tablette 2000's on 24" Focus Quad-pillared stands. Speaker wires are QED Silver Anniversary flat silver biwire speaker cables, MIT spades and Linn plugs. Add a pair of Sennheiser HD600's for times when you want to crank it up without disturbing everyone around you. I bought this stuff off AudioGon, total investment in this system is $2400. I'm pretty sure you'd find this set up to your liking and it's pretty hard to beat for the size/price. Jeff
Recs for Small Footprint Audiophile System
With a new house I have replaced all of my very old stereo equipment with good things: Mcintosh integrated amp, Arcam cd player, Tannoy speakers. However, it's all big and I know it aggrevates my wife. We have an upstairs relaxation room that I might move my stereo to, but it's too small for my current equipment. What do you recommend for components for a small audiophile system. The room is about 10-12 feet wide by 6-7 feet deep. I'm looking for great sound with a small footprint. Any thoughts? Thanks! AT