Records are getting noisy

I asked this as part of someone else's string last week, but I am getting a little more irated every day with this problem. Some of my new vinyl (bought within the last year) is starting to get lots of pops and cracks. Not scratches, not skips, just pops and clicks. Drives me crazy.

All records are cleaned with VPI 16.5(Walker method right now, and steamed if the problems doesn't get any better), machine and tubes are working perfectly. All records then get ZeroStat after cleaning and put into MoFi sleeves. Records are then cleaned with an Audioquest brush prior to playing.

I have even tried Gruv Glide, and no change on certain records. I am listening to one of my all time favs right now, Shelby Lynne "Just a Little Lovin" and it's driving me crazy. The record is clean, has always been well cared for, and now it's a crackin, poppin, annoying mess!!

What have I done, and how do I fix it???

Showing 1 response by eldartford

Mono playback is sensitive only to horizontal movement of the stylus, whereas stereo is sensitive to both horizontal and vertical. It is well known that low frequency rumble is mostly vertical, and is eliminated by mono playback. However, it seems to me that many kinds of defects in the vinyl would be more vertical than horizontal, and therefore would also be minimized by mono playback.