Record weights

  Just wondering what you folks consider acceptable poundage for these things. In my shopping Ive seen weights vary between 7 oz up to 3 lbs! I just want enough weight to be effective without killing my TT ( Clearaudio Concept wood)  Thanks for your thoughts.

Showing 2 responses by geoffkait

dgarretson wrote,

"If you want to go lite, try a Starsound Platter Ground(200gm). It's not so much a record weight as (in theory) a means to redirect spurious vibrational energy out of the LP. I also have a Stillpoints LPI(around 1.5lbs) that works well. I plan to compare the two across several tonearm and cartridge combos and post results."

That's kind of the same operating principle the Shun Mook record weight, which acts as a resonator in offloading vibrational energy, in a manner quite similar to how Shun Mook Mpingo discs work.

861 posts
11-09-2016 2:00pm
Knowing Shun Mook, the cost of the weight is probably anywhere from 2 to 3 thousand dollars!

Yeah, if you're lucky.