Record Store Day...

How'd you make out?
I'm off to The Record Store in Howell N.J.
Googled it and there was a list of participating local record shops within a 30 mile radius

Showing 4 responses by philb7777

Here in Oklhoma with only a few options. From the list, I'm hoping to nab the following:

1. REM - Unplugged 4 LP set
2. The The - Giant 12 inch
3. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis - Score to West of Memphis LP
REM website and Facebook sites have it still released on RSD. Posted on their sites as of April 15.
On the RSD site it says its a 'limited, regional release.' Not sure what that means other than probably < 1000 pressed. Crossing my fingers I get one without getting raped by eBay.
The REM Unplugged is fantastic. Great recording and super quiet vinyl. Superb. Believe it or not, worth the $90 I paid for it.