Record Store Day postponed due to Corona Virus


Showing 9 responses by uberwaltz

Got it sir!

But makes me think that as you just about say in not so many words that it is not bad here, at least not bad enough to want them to leave right away.

However I do think we have gotten WAY off topic from what my OP was so I am done with this type of discussion as it is not really the place for it.
That is also fine but what is stopping them then if they dislike it here in the USA so much?

I know many people here in the USA that moved from Europe and not ONE of them have any desire to return.
Sure there are some things we all miss, there always will be but overall?
again my opinions only people.
That's precious!

Appears that Schubert and Agrippa have gone to the same school of slice em and dice em to distort what was said.

Outstanding job guys!

I applaud you.
Did they get your meds wrong today?

Or do you think it is clever just to take small parts of sentences to give a totally different meaning to what was said?

You have a different view and that's wonderful for you, just to then go off and start insulting others because you differ in your opinions is frankly pathetic.

Was there some part of my post that said my opinion only that was NOT perfectly clear to you?

Did I need to use bigger TYPE?

Now you have a great day.

I have a hard time telling if you are truly trying to be serious or just winding us up?
No offense meant but as somebody who has lived in multiple continents I know EXACTLY where I want to be now, tomorrow and the rest of my time on this planet.

Of course my opinions only, you are most welcome to yours
Thank you and have a blessed day.
I really do not think ANYBODY who has actually ever lived in Europe would wish they now lived there after living in the USA, no matter what.

Remember one very important fact though when out and parking .
Always reverse into your parking space, that way you are ready to roll straight forward and out ( and over!) when the zombie apocalypse hits!
Its a sad state of affairs out there right now GK.
We are led by a very weary and confused old man.
We are lambasted by hysterical news media outlets.
We have lost all sense of national pride in ourselves and our abilities to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Sad, just very sad......