Record Store Day postponed due to Corona Virus


Showing 3 responses by glupson

"...what is stopping them then if they dislike it here in the USA so much?"

Sometimes family situation, children in school, etc. Sometimes work situation. Some of them actually went back to Europe.

It is also not "dislike it here so much". It is "relatively like it there more".

"I really do not think ANYBODY who has actually ever lived in Europe would wish they now lived there after living in the USA, no matter what."
My observations are exactly the opposite. They want to go back to Europe.
"...the number of deaths in Italy are well on the way to surpassing that in China. Does that surprise you?"

Interest, not necessarily surprise. Chinese have been doing high-dose steroids on every ARDS while it is unclear what Italians do. That may, or may not, be a significant difference in mortality statistics.


What's a "record store"?

In many cases it is Best Buy and Barnes & Noble.