Record saver fluid

A friend and I were talking about record cleaning products we used to use, and of course, Discwasher was discussed at length. Back in the 70’s, there was a product that complemented Discwasher, but was not made by Discwasher as I recall. The other product was not a cleaner, but rather a record protector. You’d first use Discwasher to clean the record, and then apply this other fluid to protect it. It came in a black plastic kit. Its cap had a blue microfiber sponge inside it. There was also a bottle of fluid that came with it. You’d spray it on the record and then wipe it in just as with the Discwasher. I can’t recall the name of the product. DiscSaver, or DiscKeeper, or something like that maybe. Anyone remember this stuff?

Showing 2 responses by crupert

It WAS indeed SoundGuard!  Thank you guys!!!  That has been eating at me for months.  MUCH appreciated!!
Sorry, it's not any of the products named so far.  This was purely a protector, not a cleaner.  It's driving me crazy!  Thanks for your replies.