Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?


Showing 5 responses by sedond

jeez, i feel almost neanderthal - hardly *any* ritual when i spin winyl, tho to my non-audiophile friends, i'm anal-as-hell! i guess i should show 'em this thread! ;~) but, in my defense, i have records 25+ years old, that are still in good shape.

when i have a dirty record - either i got it used, it *looks* dirty, or i notice ticks-n-pops in the 1st cut, i hand-wash it, w/mild dish soap, luke-warm water & a sponge. then thoroughly rinse & dry w/a soft lint-free towel. this isn't done too often. most times, it's yust cue-n-play. but, i *do* use a keith monks record sweeper for every play - this li'l baby effectively tracks the record in time w/the stylus, keeping dust off the stylus. it also has tiny metallic hairs, & as it is all-metal, w/a grounding wire, static seems not to be an issue. prior to the keith monks record sweeper, i used a watts dust-bug. basically the same results, but not as elegant, & not-as-good static-protection. i also have a zero-stat gun which i occasionally use, but since i installed a *real* dehumidifier in my heating system last year, there's no longer a dry-wintertime static problem chez-sedon...

ok, time to go back to my cave... doug s.

jeez, i don't take that many precautions when i go into/out of the animal rooms w/the aids-monkeys... ;~)

doug s.

hi detlof, nah, no monkey treadmill for the 'table - too much speed-instability issues... ;~)

seriously, tho, i *do* have to suit up to go into animal rooms frequently in my real-life yob as a project mgr at the nih...

regards, doug s.

hi detlof,

albert was also kind enuff to send me a sample, but spring chores have so overwhelmed me that i haven't had a chance to inwestigate it yet. also, i don't have a record wacuum, & albert sez it really needs to be wacuumed after application for best results. he passed on to me a cheapskate trick i may try - yust get the vpi wacuum wand (awailable as a replacement part) & rig it up to a wacuum cleaner. isle have to do this! ;~)

regarding your comparison, i've heard ewe should let several hours pass - minimum - prior to replaying a record, as the intense heat generated from the stylus on the winyl causes some groove deformation, & ewe want to give it a chance to recover. dunno which frequencies mite be most susceptible to damage - perhaps the low frequencies? mebbe this is why your bass response got a bit muddier? comments from others here, would be helpful...

regards, doug s.