Record cleaning vs Last Record Preservative

I recently purchased a record cleaning machine and am frustrated. Am using RRL super cleaner and regular fluid, and I am finding that my records are sounding noisier. What is going on here? Will the Last preservative fill in any little pits and scratches and reduce surface noise? Or will the needle eventually just clean the rest of the junk out of the groove with play? I am using new clean brushes and such. On used records, I have been cleaning three times and vacumning with the super cleaner, then repeating with 3 rinses with regular cleaner and vacumn.



Showing 2 responses by dougdeacon

I use RRL + DD brushes on a Loricraft. I've cleaned many 100's of records and have never once experienced a record getting noisier. Obviously this should never happen in any well designed cleaning regimen that's followed with discipline.

OTOH, before I got the Loricraft I was using a Shop Vac modded with self-stick felt on the nozzle. Even with RRL fluids, this setup sometimes left a record noisier than before. I discovered two reasons for this:

1. Despite its loud and powerful motor, the Shop Vac simply couldn't dry a record completely. It always left a trace of liquid in the grooves.

2. If I didn't keep the felts scrupulously clean and replace them frequently, dirt removed from one record was easily transferred to another.

Contrary to what Larkyparka said, a vacuum RCM is (or should be) about much more than convenience. The cleaning solution suspends or dissolves contaminants. If any portion of this dirty liquid is left on the record to evaporate, where do those contaminants go? Right back on the record of course. Typically they will have been spread around evenly in a low level layer that produces a background hiss or hush, rather than ticks and pops.

The incomplete vacuuming and cross-contamination of felt-covered vacuum wands is what finally led us to choose a Loricraft, which does not suffer from those problems. I'm not saying you have to buy an $1800 RCM, but if you're using a felt/wand style machine you'll have to be very particular to get consistently good results. Read 4yanx's description of how he uses his VPI. It's in the 'Record Playing Rituals' thread. I've played a few of his records and they're fairly quiet.
Before the Loricraft OR the Shop Vac I used microfiber cloths for drying. That worked pretty well, nearly as well as the Shop Vac in fact, actually better if the vacuum felts were overdue for changing.

Your, "much like drying the dishes" analogy rings true, too true! I used to drape my drying cloths over the pulled-out upper rack of the (empty) dishwasher. That gave them air to dry quickly, which microfiber does much better than cotton. Records went in a countertop dish rack, like everyone uses I suppose.