Record Cleaning - Ultra Sonic or My old ways

I went digging this weekend and came up with a few gems that were on my list.

I went home, dusted them off first then started my cleaning madness. But guess what? I found myself cleaning the record using my old method instead of my $4K ultrasonic method.

When first started to collect records, I started out cleaning with my DIY method, then with a Nitty Gritty, then I got a Spin Clean and used it in combination with my DIY method. I then thought that was madness so I moved up to a KLAUDIO ultrasonic cleaning machine. It works great but I still find myself using the Spin Clean and DIY method. Now that is real madness I thought. But I really get some satisfaction from doing it that way because I feel that the records are as clean as using the KLAUDIO. I think that is really the case because I have stop buying dirty records, therefore not a lot of pops or clicks from the records. I do not collect records just to have a large amount of records. I always listen to my new purchases and put a small red sticker on the ones I think are good pressing and good sounding records (Like the "Hot Stamper" guy does). I then take all of the others to Goodwill. I have a database (Momento Database) on my Android phone with my record collection, including those records that I donated, so that I don't purchase them again. Before having the database, after going Digging I would realize that I already have one or two copies of the same record, so the database really helps because I look up each record to make sure I don't already have it.

So, have ever reverted to your old ways of cleaning records?

The KLAUDIO is just sitting there and I only use it occasionally if I hear some extra noise from the records, which is not often.


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My next move is to get another Spin Clean. One for washing, the other for rinsing, and I have a Lazy Suzanne to spin the records and dry them off; then I place them in a rack for further drying off. I picked up a paper holder at Office Depot that has six slots, and perfect for this. Right now my KLAUDIO is an expensive "Paper Weight". I am not knocking KLAUDIO, it works well, its just that I am not using it as intended because my old way of cleaning is much more satisfying to me. I guess: "To each his/her own".