Record Cleaning Machines: Hannl or Typhoon

I have been using a VPI HW-17 for about 25 years. It works great but the noise is getting to me. Does anyone have experience with the Hannl Mera or the VPI Typhoon? Don

Showing 1 response by cto007

I went from a VPI 16.5 to a Hannl Micro EL (which in most ways is like the newer Mera minus the mounted brush/fluid pump). It's an incredibly well-made and versatile machine offering changes in speed (slower for vacuum/faster for brushing) as well as reversal of direction. Distribution in the US seems to be in flux - but it seems an ex-pat, Paul Morris, is now responsible for global distribution via AMF in France ( Through e-mail conversation he seems like a very nice guy - and is hoping to def expand Hannl's business. I was directed to him by Hannl when seeking out where to buy a Circular Brush (Rundbürste). It seems availability is a challenge. Hopefully Paul's appearance at CES (and incidentally a video dem on this site) will open up more domestic availability.