Record Cleaning Fluids: RRL vs. L'Art du Son

Anyone compared these two or have any opinions. I'm leaning towards L'art du son because it appears to be much more cost effective ($45 will make you 4 quarts of record cleaning solution) but am not sure how much I should be worried about this vs. the RRL. Application/cleaning instructions appear to be very similar with both products. Anyone care to venture a guess as to how many records a 32 oz. bottle of RRL will clean?

Showing 2 responses by jyprez

I would try the Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solution (AIVS) if I were you. I have used, and still use, RRL solutions but have found them to be not nearly as effective at deep cleaning of LP's as AIVS but very good at that final rinse to remove the last bit of surface noise. As a result, I use both. I first clean with the 2 stage AVIS solutions and then finish off with RRL. If the record is new, I just use RRL. My observations about RRL are the same as Michael Fremer's in the recent issue of Stereophile where he commented that it didn't really spread and disperse into the grooves. He's right, it does not do this but if you use it as a final rinse it picks up the last bit of residue from the grooves.
4yanx, I agree that RRL seems to get into the grooves and then bead out. This is why I think it is so efective at getting that last bit of static and noise off a record but it is decidedly less effective at cleaning even modestly dirtier records. This is just my own opinion of course but based on cleaning hundreds of records over the past few years. I understand your continued objections to it. As I recall, you voiced your concerns quite emphatically in the original thread when Frumkin first introduced the product. I am glad to hear you at least gave it a try but I can't say I'm hearing the effects on the high end that you claim.
To each his own I guess.