Record cleaning fluids

Hi again guys.

I usually use a Clearaudio cleaning fluid in my Clearaudio Smart Matrix. Some people says that this liquid produces static problems on records.

Sometimes I've to clean two or three times some records that it is supposed to be cleaned, because they are new ones or in mint condition.

Do you know a better cleaning fluid for the use in machines? Wich is the best?

Thanks a lot for your opinions.

Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

i also like the AIVS multi-step cleaner method as the best i've tried. i especially like the Ultra clean water rinse as a final step.

having an RCM that allows for different types of cleaners i think is a good thing. i've gone from having only a one step machine to adding another that does allow for different cleaners and i do like that. of course, YMMV. and i agree with Syntax that ulimately there are many effective ways and products to use that work.