Recommended tubes for PS Audio BHK 250Amp?

Recommended tubes for PS Audio BHK Signature 250 amp? Current ones are Genalex Gold Lion E88CC/6922. Thank you.


Showing 2 responses by bkeske

Is it the original? My understanding is that Bascom personally selected those tubes for the best sound signature, so personally, I would tend to respect his decision.

Of course, tube swapping to suite your personal desires should also be considered.


I would talk to Andy at Vintage Tube Services or Brent Jessee. I can only imagine they have both discussed this tube swap in the BHK before. I believe Kevin at Upscale suggested a reviewer try Tungsram PCC88/7DJ8, and the reviewer liked them. Warmer and a bit sweeter.

Good luck. Tubes are such a subjective issue when it comes to sound. I think any of these guys could help you if you know what type of change you want to make vs the Russian Gold Lions. Good tubes (I’ve used their 12ax7’s) but can be a tad analytical.