recommended speakers for SET amp?

I'm seriously considering a (Zen) SET amp. Since it only puts out about 5w it obviously requires very efficient speakers ideally along the lines of 95+db (which I don't currently have).

I'm looking for suggestions for a fast, full range 'floor tower' (no teeny 'bookshelf' type) speaker in the $1000 range. I'm thinking I'll have to go the used/auction route to meet that price range. I'd love some Planars (maggie MMG's) but apparently they just aren't sensitive enuf (87 db)

My listening room is approx 12 X 20 and I'm not much inclined to go with the physically large horn speakers (which seems to be the 'recommended' route some take with SET amps).

My musical tastes lean toward to female vocalists (Joan Osborne, Emmy lou Harris, Holly Cole, Ricky Lee Jones etc.), small piano/horn Jazz groups (Foreplay, Roy Hargrove, Kiko Sumato, etc.), 'contemporary' (Lyle Lovett, Paul Simon, Madonna) and eclectic 'world music' (Baka Beyond, Gregorian chant, etc.)

While I don't currently have a TT (only have an Ah! Tjoeb CD as my source) I do plan to drag out my vinyl eventually.

Any advice/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by dekay

Mmccoy: The only affordable (in this case) speakers that come to mind, with efficiency and dimensions such as this, are the modern Klipsch models (probably get a better deal used) and also a speaker kit from that retails for around $600. With the kit you have to supply the materials for and build the cabinets yourself (or have them built). There should be quite a bit of info on both plus many other possibilities at, which also has a high efficiency speaker forum. Bottlehead also has speaker kits available, but I am not very familiar with them. If you are using the Zen amp from Decware (there are two Zen amps) I found that the earlier model seemed to do very well with 4 ohm speakers when I tried one out for a weekend. I do not know if this is true of the later versions though. Unfortunately, it has been my experience that the specs (efficiency & impedance) do not really tell you how a speaker will perform within a particular setup (sometimes those with less favorable specs perform better than ones with great specs). So, other than setting up auditions at home, you are doing the second best thing that you can do by hitting the forums. The SET amp that I have is not commonly used, and hopefully you will have better luck finding owners of your particular amp to share info with.
Mmccoy: Yes, I am in the same boat as far as building the cabinets myself and the use of a jointer would be needed in order to get a proper fit (why do it half arsed)? I know that Lak at this site was using Klipsch speakers with a 2A3 amp (I found the Zen that I tried to be "similar" to these types of amps in both current and linearity at the frequency extremes). Perhaps he will see this thread and comment. The problem is that your room is fairly large, otherwise you could probably get by with a more run of the mill speaker. You may also want to contact Steve at Decware as far as choices as I suspect that a high impedence speaker may not be the best choice with this particluar amp (I seemed to have better luck with a pair of 4 ohm speakers, which was a bit odd, but which was a reality of the pairing).