Recommended SET amp and speakers to 20k

Hello:  I am in the market for a SET amp, 2A3, 300b or 845, i haven’t decided yet and speakers to complement them.  My budget is 20k for both, used is fine.  If anyone has some recommendations/comments that would be very helpful.  Thanks,  Bruce
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Showing 3 responses by larryi

I would be looking at a Charney Audio speaker and an Elekit 300B kit amplifier combination. 
There are a lot of good suggestions, in my opinion, listed above.  I liked the Spatial Audio speaker too, and the 10" Cube Audio Nenuphar, and if you like your sound to be extremely dynamic (who doesn't) and don't mind a bit of a hard edge and brittleness, Zu speakers are in the game.  If you are looking for a warm, musical speaker that remains lively and engaging, Audio Note speakers should be auditioned.  They can work with low-powered SET amps (Audio Note sells such amps), even though they are not super efficient.

I own a speaker system where the midrange driver/horn alone is worth at least $25k, and yet, I might some day trade it in on a Charney Audio system that costs something like $17,000; it is that good.

It has been a long time since I heard Odeon speakers.  At the time, I did not like the tonal qualities (coloration), but, I am now more used to, and can live with such tonal qualities.  Overall, I did like the speaker, but, not enough to buy one.  I cannot say whether I would like the system these days, given my ever evolving taste in systems.

 I own a system that uses a horn midrange, but, it does not have much of the "megaphone" or nasal quality of many other horn drivers.