Recommended S.S. amp type for TANNOY 15'' speakers

I would like to hear from people with Tannoy 15' dual concentric speakers
which type of S.S. amp they found produced the most pleasing sound in
their estimation. I would like an integrated for simplicity. Class A , Power or ?
Anyone having experience please chime in?

Showing 1 response by whitecap

Question for Yakbob (but of course all are welcome).  I was surprised that you are using the MC2300 with Pass amp.   Isn't there a mismatch between the MC2300 output impedance vs. Pass input impedance?   My recollection is this is not an ideal pairing.  I ask because I am considering buying the Tannoy Legacy Arden.  My current pre-amp is MC2500 with MC452 amp (driving vintage Polk 1.2 SDAs).   I like the MC2500 a lot want to keep it, but am curious about using Pass amps with the Tannoy.  You appear to be doing the Mac/pre and Pass/amp with good success.   Am I wrong, such that these two can pair well?  Any thoughts/input appreciated.