Recommended S.S. amp type for TANNOY 15'' speakers

I would like to hear from people with Tannoy 15' dual concentric speakers
which type of S.S. amp they found produced the most pleasing sound in
their estimation. I would like an integrated for simplicity. Class A , Power or ?
Anyone having experience please chime in?

Showing 2 responses by gadios

I listened to Steve Guttenburgs recent Audiophiliac review of
the Tannoy Cheviot. Gutt is a true disciple of Nelson Pass-
owning multiple pieces from First Watt and Pass Labs. The Chevvy's
sensitivity is 4 points under mine. He said the FW was good but his 100.5 Pass monos were way better.
I now have a Pass Labs XA25 on order.
Thanks for all your above help.