Recommended photo preamp with Klipsch and 300b amp?


Wondering if folks have any experience / recommendations for a photo stage amp around $1-2k? The rest of my set up is a 300b amp (Elekit 8600) driving a pair of Klipsch Fortes IVs. I presently have a Sutherland little loco phono stage and I find it underwhelming. For analogue, I really want warmth and body and texture - and the Sutherland (with few exceptions, depending upon record) sounds rather analytical and lifeless to me.

Heard good things about Decware, Parasound, Sun Valley.

Thanks for your help!



Showing 1 response by solypsa

Pretty much nailed the choices in that price range; I would add the Hagerman Trumpet to the list.

You have pretty high sensitivity speakers so need to watch the noise floor...

Are you using lomc or mm?