Recommended phono stage to pair with an Anthem D2V

Im diving back into vinyl, bought a music hall mm5.1. Looking for a nice phono stage to pair with my Anthem D2v.
I don't know if this is the best setup with the rest of my equipment but I really enjoy the sound of the balanced 2 channel feature of the Anthem..
My other components are as follows:
Ayre MXR 20 Mono amps
Arial model 20T speakers
Codex and Blusound Node 
OPPO 105
I appreciate any suggestions 
Just reading your blog now. Out of curiosity did you ever find a suitable solution? 
I am using the Anthem AVM60 preamp which is obviously a much newer model than your D2V, however I have been told the D2V is a little better for analog reproduction work, so it should be very close to my experience with the AVM60.

I have had multiple phono stages over the past few years and by far the best performance in terms of being completely quiet, super detailed, very dynamic through out the entire frequency spectrum and just silky smooth is my Whest PS. 30 RDT SE 2019.  I have also used for quite a while the Whest Three Signature which was a very close runner up to the PS.30.  Either unit was a great match with my Anthem preamp.

I would avoid the Gold Note PH 10; this was a very noise prone preamp in my system and for me that is not acceptable.  The Musical Surroundings Nova III was very nice and also quiet, but it was not in the same league as either of the Whest phono stages; but it is also a lot less expensive.

I hope this helps you.
@gestalt posted this on Amps Preamps forum:

The newly released May/June 2020 issue of The Absolute Sound has a review of the Gold Note PH-10 and PSU-10 you may find interesting:

If I had approximately $1600 to $2000 to spend on a phonostage, I’d get the PH-10. It’s that good. I’d open a nice pinot noir, put an LP on the turntable, sit back, and enjoy the music.

Some phonostages pursue "absolute technical objectivity" as their goal. The PH-10 is not that kind of product. It’s all about the music. If you’re a "truth-seeker", there are other phonostages to choose from, but you’re a "pleasure-seeker," then the PH-10 is for you. Like a fine wine or a fine car, the PH-10 satisfies, both in the moment and as a lasting memory.

And a bit about the author’s experience with the PSU-10:

My recommendation would be to audition the PSU-10 along with the PH-10, if possible. The PH-10 is a very fine-sounding phonostage when used as a standalone; using the PSU-10 makes it into an excellent one.

The full review goes in to loads of additional detail; please consider picking up a copy of The Absolute Sound to read the rest.

I've been using the PH-10 and find it DEAD quiet. Have never heard anyone complain about it being noisey EVER well until now but that's a first. Yes I'm sure the Whest has better detail but at a much higher cost. 

Read the TAS review and the other dozen positive reviews on the PH10 not hard to locate then start to enjoy your vinyl collection.