Recommendations on audio quality hearing aid

It's gotten to the point that I probably should consider getting a hearing aid. Due to a combination of age related hearing loss and years of working in an industrial environment, my hearing is not what it used to be (mostly high frequency loss). Any thoughts on hearing aides that are worth considering so that i can continue to appreciate the quality of my investment in audio gear? Any thoughts appreciated.


Showing 1 response by elevick

I've been through this with my dad.  It takes an audiologist to set really good hearing aids using an equalizer.  However, I don't think this will work for audio.  I have gone so far as wearing his hearing aids.  The sound is clear, the quality sucks for audio.
1-Get good aids for normal daily use.  You have to WEAR them, give them a chance and go back to your audiologist often.
2-Get nice headphones for audio.  His hearing loss is not consistent side to side in regards to frequency loss and volume loss.  None of the hearing aids he has tried could count as audiophile quality.