Recommendations for music network player

Hi. I'm never in digital and I'm very septic. I'm using Mac mini. Any suggestions for any thinking better sounding than Mac , I do own dac , but would be great to hook up to music player cd ripping device. Thanks for response if any 

Showing 3 responses by woodsart

A New Node 2 owner and couldn’t be happier. DITTO to all the above. My amp is Moscode 600 Tube...pre is a Audible Illusions Modulous. 

The speakers, well they are more interesting. CSS Woofer Module designed by Jeff Bagby, matched with Continuum monitors, however, I am in the process of rebuilding the cabs of DITTON Celestion 100 monitors and matched with the module sound real nice. Regardless which monitor I use the Node 2 does a splendid job with my components that I am very happy with.

Cables in the future.....I am following your leads WW.

Thanks, Robert
Thanks Bondmanp, I appreciate this thread. It helped me decide the way I wanted to stream music and play from a hard drive. BTW,  I use Tidal and the Blusound app is great. However, I can’t tell differences between CD and Masters, but it all sounds good with my setup. 

Also, I did not mention that I am saving up for my final pair of speakers. But the Vintage Celestions are pretty darn amazing and a perfect match with sensitivity and worthy of a new Cab. Oh, did I say really great sound with the Node 2...😸