Recommendations for CL rated speaker cable

Hi, started this thread here in Cables forum and didn't get any bites. Started it over on the AVS Forum site in Monitor Audio thread and got my head bitten off. Wondering if you have any advice on really good CL rated wires for 21ft/7m runs to Monitor Audio Apex speakers?

Here is the original post, will be upgrading CDP or DAC soon.

Any advice on specific wire selections appreciated. Really not interested in debating virtues of zip wire versus exotic cables, I believe well designed wire is worth buying, and you are not going to change my mind in this thread. Just looking for some good ideas for CL rated cables for under a grand. Thanks in advance.

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Showing 1 response by albertporter

Perhaps not your preferred cable but here's a common sense answer (follow link) to your question. Blue Jeans gets much of it's cable from Belden.

I don't know where you live nor do I have any idea about local code but it seems to me that you could use almost any brand of high end cable provided it was contained or shielded like armored Romex.

If you have an electrician and an inspector coming to check on the installation they can provide an answer for where you live.

My personal opinion is there is already such a mass of wire in modern homes a run to a set of speakers is not much concern.

Where I live the inspectors are mostly worried about high voltage and show little concern for burglar alarm, CATV, internet and similar low voltage cable runs.