recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat

I tried a Krell ksa 150 and while I liked the sound, it was like having a space heater in the room. I now have an Audio research vt100. It sounds fantastic, but it makes the room hot as well. Not as bad as the Krell, but it's still a drag in the summer.

I'm guessing I should just suck it up, but I'm curious what cooler running options there are that sound as good (or better)... suggestions?

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I like the latest Krell amps very much and they can be bought here for very good prices. True high performance audio. Class A bias with rear fans that are VERY quiet. Some serious engineering went into these amps and they look pretty good in person. Compared to Pass 250.8 and could have gone either way. Truly. I very much like a higher biased amp. Purchased an Agostino Momentum Stereo amp and it runs very hot but sure is good. Do look at the Krell.