Recommendations for a modestly priced analog system

I have been listening to digital music only for a number of years. Now I am thinking of adding an analog system. I don't want to go nuts buying expensive components. I just want to get under the proverbial point of diminishing return. I have  Cary Audio 98P preamp, VAC phi 200 (planning) and Sound Lab ESL speakers. My budget from turntable to cartridge is $5-7K. I prefer buying used for the best bang for the buck. As I am getting older, I need a no fuss, durable and low maintenance system. Any recommendations?

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @chungjh : Come on, why are you on a hurry?.

First than all you need to make the set up on what you bougth then after 20-30 hours make  the " fine tunning " job and after that listen it for at least 50 hours and then decide what you don't like it or what you think you could need as an up-grade. 

Anyway, is up to you.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,