Recommendations for a CD Recorder

I am considering buying a CD recorder. Does anyone have any thoughts on a good choice? I have read a lot about Philips and a lack of reliability on Are the recorders on the market basically the same for recording purposes? I do not need the recorder for playing CDs. I need it just for burning CDs.

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

If you intend to use the machine only to record, and not use it as a playback deck, I think the new Sony RCD-W1 dual-tray CD recorder does a good job. I bought one about a month ago mainly to make copies of my LP's, but I have also made some copies of favorite CD's to give as gifts, and it seems to make "perfect" copies. The unit (obviously) has both digital and analog inputs, and will record at 1-to-1 synch, or 4-to-1 high speed (which I don't recommend).

The build quality is satisfactory, not great (I think Sony's build quality in its less expensive models has been declining), but at the discounted price of about $350-370, it's a good buy, and at least as good as the comparably priced Phillips units.