Recommendations for 93+ DB efficient moniters
I am looking to replace my 90db/6 > 8 ohm/2way bookshelf speakers, wall mounted, that are just not quite efficient enough for my 300b SET amplifier. I have only found the following speakers that appear suitable:
Galante Rhapsody....96db
Omega Super 3 Reference with Alnico upgrade, 93db
Both are about the same price; ie, 1200 bucks. Used for the Galante and new with trial period for the Omega. I keep leaning to the Galante because it, clearly, is in another class from the Omega speakers at least in cabinet construction. It is also much more efficient and will put out better bass so it could be used w/o a subwoofer. The Omega requires a woofer for close to full range reproduction.
I was looking at the Coincident Triumph Signature but I read some reports that concluded that its rated sensitivity is, in the real world, closer to 90db so I dropped that one from consideration.
I want to be able to reproduce symphonic works at moderate volume levels and I cannot do that right now without the sound starting to compress/clip.
I'd like to keep the cost around 1000 to 1500 so that lovely Royal Devices speaker with the horn is out of the question.